Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Why do so many people think a pocket .380 would be a great first gun for their girlfriend/wife?

First, let me preface this by saying that I am aware that there are many female firearm enthusiast and many female ccw'ers. Also I am sure that there are women that can shoot pistols much better than I can. But, I am willing to bet that the majority of the CCW community and firearm community in general are male.That being said, why do I hear time and time again, online and in person, "I'm going to buy my girlfriend/wife a bodyguard or an LCP for their first gun since it's just a .380"? As an owner of an LCP, which is my main carry right now, I wouldn't think of buying my firearm noob of a girlfriend one. It's not an easy gun to shoot and control for someone new to firearms. Both the LCP and the bodyguard have heavy trigger pulls and are very snappy. I haven't shot many other pocket .380's but I cant imagine them being much different. (With the exception of maybe a p238 having a steel frame). I personally think a compact 9mm is a better option for an entry level firearm for our SO's, or anyone at that matter.Just a thought I had after my gf mentioned possibly wanting to take a ccw class and thought my LCP was "cute". via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2cETkHa

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