Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Two carry pistols?

Gents,I'm new to CCW and defensive pistol shooting; I come from a hunting and target shooting background. At present, all I've got is a 4-inch S&W 686 that I inherited from my grandfather. I'm looking to get set up with two dedicated carry pistols (not going to carry them simultaneously!), and I am wondering if this is a good idea or if I ought to stick with one. My thinking is that, when I'm out in the country (my family owns property that I spend quite a lot of time on or around), I'll carry a full-size pistol. I'm leaning towards the HK45 or the HK P30. I've shot both and liked them; the grip thickness is about right for me, and I can get all my fingers on it. For knocking around town or the occasional trip into the city, I'd like something smaller, lighter, and easier to conceal. I've heard good things about the M&P Shield, but haven't yet gotten to shoot one. If it matters, I'm 6'3" with a large build and largeish hands. I would appreciate any thoughts you might have on the matter. via /r/CCW

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