Friday, September 30, 2016

slightly legal question regarding CCW at work in illinois

Following is the paragraphs related to weapons in the workplace from my employee handbook.  According to this, am I allowed to CCW in Illinois at my workplace? They do not have the appropriate signage posted at either door, or anywhere in the building. I am in Illinois.Thank you for any input.In keeping with our commitment to provide a safe work environment for our employees, we prohibit the possession or use of weapons while engaged in Company business, while at Company sponsored off-site functions or while on Company premises.WeaponsWeapons include, but are not limited to, any items intended to cause harm such as firearms, explosives, knives or clubs. A license to carry a weapon does not supersede this policy.Lachrymatory agents, such as pepper spray, are excluded from the definition of weapons under this policy so long as they are carried and used solely for self-defense.Company PremisesCompany premises includes all Company-owned or leased building and surrounding areas such as sidewalks, walkways, driveways and parking lots under the Company’s ownership or control. This policy also applies to Company vehicles, personal vehicles parked on Company premises and vehicles used in the course of Company business. SearchesThe Company reserves the right to conduct a search of an employee’s work area, desk, Company vehicle or other personal property at the workplace including, but not limited to, lunch containers, briefcases, wallets and purses for the purpose of determining whether any weapons have been brought on Company premises in violation of this policy. The Company also reserves the right to call law enforcement to search personal vehicles on Company premises. If you refuse to promptly permit a search under this policy, you will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination.Reporting WeaponsIf someone has alerted you to possession of a weapon or if you have seen a weapon, contact your manager and/or Human Resources immediately.State Specific LawsThe Company’s policies regarding weapons as stated above shall be enforceable as stated, unless state laws contradict current practice. In such case, we will conform to the state law via /r/CCW

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