Wednesday, September 14, 2016

I don't have my EDC yet, and I don't even have my PTP or PTC, but I've been gearing up to get my setup. After tonight, it's going to be my highest priority.

Hey all.So, I could give you a total play by play, but I just finished my shift as a truck driver and I'm tired as hell, so I'm going to summarize it. You'll get the picture. You folks are pretty smart around here.I live in Minnesota. Regarding the title, Took my CCW class about two months ago. Applied for my permit to purchase and it got denied because of a bullshit harassment restraining order that a crazy ex of mine took out on me just over two years ago. That just got lifted on September 10th, so I'm eligible again. Planning on getting a Springfield XD Mod 2 in the 45 ACP.I just started with this company at the beginning of August. I've been driving for three years, but this is my first livestock gig. I haul hogs. Male and female. From weans to feeders to markets and culls. Anything from 6 to 500lbs. I left out of Sauk Centre, MN on Monday morning with a load of 93 450ish lb culls bound for Newberg, TN. Got unloaded, drove to Matthews, MO, and went to bed. Got up today and made a plan to drive to Council Bluffs, IA to get fuel and stop for the night before I grab a load of markets in Le Mars bound for Storm Lake at 1900 tomorrow.My trip was uneventful until I got to Kansas City. I encountered a tan colored 4 door sedan that decided to cut me off with no signal, so I hit my air horn, like I would do with any other vehicle, whether it be 4-wheeler, another trucker, cop, whatever. They didn't like that.They slammed on their brakes, forcing me to swerve around them, but they just sped up and continued to brake check me. Every time I would attempt to pass, they would get in front of me and slam on the brakes. For a moment I considered getting off on an exit, but being that they were being extremely aggressive, I didn't want to risk a confrontation with an unknown threat. I have a 4" buck knife at my 3 o-clock, but still. Better to let the authorities handle it.I called the Missouri state patrol, gave them current location, tag number, and what they were doing. They told me they would give it to the officers in the area. I've made this phone call enough times in my career to know that meant "not a high priority, call us back if it gets worse".This continued for the better part of 15 miles. Another 4-wheeler saw what was going on and blocked his path so I could get around, which I was grateful for. I got up to speed and they caught back up and continued doing what they were before, so I called the state patrol back, updated the location, practically begged them to get an officer out, and I was met with a different version of the same response I got before.A few miles further, they exit. 3 miles after that, I get a phone call from a Missouri number. "Hi, SplishSplash82? Do you have a location on that vehicle? We just had a second caller call in and tell us he pulled a gun on them". I gave them the exit he got off on, hung up, drove for a few more miles, and then it hit me.I could have been dead today.I started shaking, honestly. I've never had anything like that happen before. Hell, I'm shaking typing this out. What would I have done if he stopped on the interstate, got out with his pistol drawn, and started shooting? I'd like to say that I'd have thrown my truck in any gear, ducked down, mashed the throttle to the floor, dumped the clutch, and grabbed as many gears as I could until I was far, far away from that situation. But i don't know that I would have, honestly.My company has in their handbook that there are no deadly weapons allowed on company property. I was planning on just concealing my EDC when I got it, but being that it's just a small farming operation with 4 trucks versus a mega carrier with 15k tractors, I'm planning on marching into the owners office when I get back on Friday and straight up asking for permission to carry for my own protection on the job. If they say no, I'll tell them this story.So anyway, this ended up being longer than I expected. Thanks for tuning in. Feel free to chime in with advice or whatever, but I really just needed a place to vent. None of my go to phone contacts were awake at 0045 when this happened. Have a great morning via /r/CCW

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