Tuesday, September 13, 2016

I shot an animal with my CCW today

First off, my nature of work deals with vegetation control on oil well sites and I do a lot of driving on dirt, gravel, and county roads.Today, as I was driving down a gravel road, I topped a hill and as I did, I noticed a good sized doe flailing about in the middle of the road. I could immediately tell that someone had hit this deer and had just left it in the road. I pulled my truck to a stop and got out, approaching the deer and stopping about 15 yards away. The upper portion of it's front right leg was very visibly broken and it was bleeding slightly. After seeing it try to stand a couple of times I could tell that there was no way that it was going to survive. I upholstered my weapon and humanely ended the deer's suffering. Whenever I started carrying I didn't ever think about having to use my gun in this kind of scenario. I was thankful that I was able to end an animals suffering humanely. At the same time, it irks me that someone could hit an animal and just leave it to suffer.I'm by no means a PETA nut job, just feel that no human or animal should have to suffer like that.Don't really know if this relates to r/CCW a whole lot, just felt like something worth sharing via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2cm3w2H

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