Saturday, September 3, 2016

Yesterday after my first day of carrying I don't know if my holster is right for me.

I received my FL CCW license yesterday after only 8 days. I was ecstatic. I immediately put it into my wallet and ran upstairs to my safe, pulled my G27 out and threw it into the Bladetech Klipt I bought for it. I have spent months trying to figure out how I wanted to carry, I decided that AIWB seemed to be best for me. I put my holster at 2 o'clock and set out for the afternoon. The first problem I had was in my car. I sat down and immediately was stabbed in the inner leg and the stomach. I adjusted it, it got a little less uncomfortable but was definitely not something that I could do for more than 15 minutes. I got to my destination and walked around for about 10 minutes doing some errands. It was surreal, here I am within feet of others and no one has noticed I'm carrying. I spoke with employees and they too were oblivious. I can see it is definitely something to get used to on a mental level.When I got home my 3 year old daughter and wife wanted to go pick flowers at the park. As soon as we start walking my daughter starts wanting us to jog to the park which is about 3/4 of a mile away. So here I am jogging with a pound and a half of plastic and steel at my waist wearing cargo shorts, a t shirt and a polo. It really wasn't too bad to start with. We did about a half mile before I noticed my stomach around my holster was starting to feel some discomfort. After another 1/4 mile my stomach was starting to feel somewhat sore. We spend time with her on the play ground, and walking around picking flowers. Before we started back I tried to tuck my undershirt between the holster and my skin to try to give it some padding. On the way home again she wanted us to jog. We jogged the entire way home and by the time we got back my stomach felt raw. I checked myself when we got back inside and it was red and tender. I kept it on in the house for another 2 hours but finally I had to take it off, it was too much for me.Is this normal for a rookie to get so sore after something like this? It is a kydex holster so I don't think there is a "break in" period. I did commit the cardinal sin of using my 1.75" 5.11 Nylon belt instead of a true leather gun belt. Would a dedicated gun belt resolve this or did I just over do it? Is this holster the problem?TLDR: I got my CCW yesterday, I am using a Bladetech Klipt with a G27 in AIWB. I found driving uncomfortable, I found it surreal no one "knew". I jogged 1.5 miles, it was uncomfortable. I am using a 1.75" nylon belt, would a leather gun belt resolve my comfort issue or is it a poor holster choice via /r/CCW

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