Saturday, September 17, 2016

Wearing an empty IWB kydex holster...yeah it's dumb but will it harm/deform the holster?

"It sucks." "Why would you?" Yeah, yeah, I know. I work at a place where having a firearm and/or ammo in the building is listed in the employee handbook as a fireable offense. Firearm/ammo in a private vehicle in the parking lot is ok. The pay, benefits & environment outweigh this bit of stupidity, so here I am.My typical morning routine is park -> disarm by placing my firearm & mags in a lockbox attached to the seat frame. I re-arm in the evening when I leave.Now, before everyone circles up to limp biscuit me over removing the firearm from the holster and not removing the entire holster/gun combo...just trust me, there is simply no reasonable way to do this without drawing unwanted attention from passers-by.Now, with the unreasonably long reddit-troll preface out of the way, what's the general wisdom on wearing an empty IWB kydex holster 8 hours a day, 5 days a week? Is it likely to deform or otherwise be damaged long-term? Would loosening my belt help at all? Should I just not bother and figure out a way to stash my holster somewhere & retrieve it later?Thanks! via /r/CCW

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