Friday, September 2, 2016

[RANT] CCW mistakenly revoked over a web form bug

So I had to update my address as well as start the renewal process for my CCW license. I figured that I'd change my address first, then put in the renewal request. I went to my state's online CCW center and used the form to fill out a change of address (wow, everything can be done online! This is pretty slick!!). The only quirk about the whole thing was that after I typed in my address in the address field, I hit "tab" to move to the city field, and it automatically filled in the state field for me with my state's two-letter abbreviation.After this, I go back in to the system to request a renewal, only to be told to call their help center. A very nice person answered and explored the problem with me. It turns out that their web system has a bug when used with my browser. In this case, that "tab" from earlier omitted my state in my new address, despite the state being displayed on my screen in the form. By omitting the state, the system revoked my license because we cannot have out-of-state addresses for a CCW. They said they'd have to call the computer guys to fix it.The only catch: since my license is in a "revoked" state, they said that I cannot carry until this is fixed. This, of course, is where I have the problem: this is what happens when we have to, as one person so eloquently put it, "buy our rights back from the government". I can only hope that this is resolved quickly so that I can get back to exercising my rights.I suppose the pro-gun-control movement got what they wanted out of this: one less law-abiding citizen on the street with a gun... :( Words cannot describe my frustration...../Rant, thanks for listening... via /r/CCW

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