Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Chart of 9mm Handguns for beginners [REVISED]

After a lot of good constructive criticism from everyone here on r/CCW I return with my revised chart of 9mm handguns. feel that I should be extra clear about the purpose of this chart this time around. This is a chart for handgun novices that I made for myself, a novice, to assist in the process of researching my first handgun. I designed it to help with my specific needs at this stage of my research. I've already been to the range and tried out numerous handguns including the Glock 19, 26 and 43. So my plan after that was to go home and research guns of a similar size online. But there is such a wide variety of guns that I was quickly overwhelmed. So I made this chart to help me, and anyone else in my position, to quickly reference other brands based on size. The chart works like this: "Ok, I've held and fired a Glock 19. Now I want to know if HK has a gun like the G19." You look at the chart and say, "Oh ok, HK does have something like a G19, I'll look into that now." It's not about detail, it puts all the major brands in one place for quick reference.This has been revised but it is not final in anyway. I still welcome critiques and suggestions.(The VP9 doesn't fit, by the way. It is a full size, not a compact.) via /r/CCW

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