Saturday, December 30, 2023

Girls Self-Defense vs Boys Self-Defense

Submitted December 30, 2023 at 07:36PM by OlegTrubin

For those who teach


Submitted December 30, 2023 at 10:30AM by DinowD2R

can a sidekick stop a guy running at you angrily?

Let's say someone's an aggressive fighter who likes to get close to you and overwhelm you. He is also bigger, taller, and probably both heavier and stronger than you. He gets mad at you and charges at you with his right fist loaded for an overhand. Could you stop him in his tracks with a sidekick? Newton's third law states both equal and opposite reaction so wouldn't you push yourself back as much as you push him back? What's more, he's already running at you, so he has more force pushing towards you than you do pushing back. But I haven't really tried it, so would a sidekick work to stop somebody who is running at you?

Submitted December 28, 2023 at 10:10PM by KingMaximusOfCamelot

Friday, December 29, 2023

Stun gun/flashlight combo?

Any reliable options? I live in the country. There are times when I will already have a flashlight in my hand (opening gates, etc) so it would be useful to have the stun gun option at my fingertips (unexpected people or animals). I have a holstered semi handgun but there’s no way to be holding it, a flashlight, and attending to tasks.

Submitted December 29, 2023 at 09:26PM by Coolbreeze1989

Hypothetical self defense situation.

I’m curious if people believe this is justified and how different states would handle it.

Let’s say there is a traffic collision. One party is clearly at fault. Both parties stop and the at fault party is ready to exchange insurance info.

The wronged party is particularly upset and gets up in the others face and begins making verbal threats.

The individual at fault is carrying and informs the other individual that they are carrying and instructs them to back up.

The unarmed irate individual escalates the situation further by increasing the threats of physical violence and then pushes the individual carrying.

The person carrying backs up and draws their firearm. The irate individual begins moving towards the individual with the firearm and they are then shot.

Is this a justified shooting in your mind. Does the car accident play any role in the legality of the situation? How would different states respond to this?

Submitted December 29, 2023 at 11:12AM by lostinthenorth12

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Best blade size for a self defense knife?

I want a knife that I can carry with me at all times when out and about for self defense. So in yall's opinion what is the best blade size for something like this?

Submitted December 29, 2023 at 12:31AM by importantinquiries

WARNING: Mace 'Triple Action' Police Spray is WEAK

It barely effects a small dog.

I suggest carrying a gun instead, or at least something strong than this stuff!

Submitted December 26, 2023 at 03:16PM by AnyWay2MakeEmPay

Personal Alarm w/ GPS locator and Police Response?

Sorry if this is hard to read and/or I break rules, my english is not perfect

I know there are various cheapy keyring like self-defense like items like pepper spray that, when used, alerts your emergency contacts via the Bluetooth in your phone. I've seen some similar products where is a personal alarm instead of pepper spray, that similarly alerts your emergency contacts your are in trouble and provides your GPS location so they can help alert police or whatever to your location.

However, is there some product like this, BUT it also directly immediately notifies the police to your location and tells them to go to your location? Basically like an adult "life alert" that works outside of the home and/or is for working adults in a city (rather than 65+ elderly adults and only works on wifi or something in ones house or nusing home)?

I assume there must be some kind of product like this, but have not been able to find one. I know there are plenty of products (whether pepper spray + locator combo, or personal alarm + locator combo), where if you press the button, it will alert some intermediary (i.e., personal contact friend or family, or for something like life alert, I guess a private center call company), but is there any product that just directly alerts police?

I realize some might think the distinction is not a big deal, but I ask because based on what I've found, the available products either: 1) alert an intermediary call center, but its like a $20 a mo subscription service (expensive); or 2) alert a family member or friend, but unfortunately my close contacts can be slow to check their phones and so it might take them too long to contact police on my behalf. I understand the need for an intermediary for something like life alert, because that is mainly for 65+ use for those at the home and so the emergency could be any number of things, whether fall/injury (ambulance), home fire (fire deptartment), or break in (police). But for a personal alarm you have on your keyring in a dangerous city, is there one that just goes straight to police if you got robbed or attacked or something?

Note I am in a city where other self defense options are not really viable or allowed. So best and realistically only viable option would likely just be some personal alarm + locator device, this "working adult life alert" as I call it haha - asking this community to see if there are any such products that just contact police in your area directly, but maybe none such product exists because maybe police depts have rules forbidding products that directly contact them w/o an intermediary (as I can understand how it would lead to a lot of false alarms where someone accidentaly presses the button, jamming their phone lines and preventing them from responding to serious emergencies.

Submitted December 28, 2023 at 01:08PM by CovidQuestion33

Personal Alarms with Sound and Light

Submitted December 28, 2023 at 02:43AM by Ok_Holiday3814

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Best martial arts combination?

I (22F) consider switching sports because I want to be able to protect myself. I’m 5’5, 65kg, I played rugby for 6 years. there’s different options available near me like boxing, grappling, bjj, judo, Muay Thai. I don’t know which one would fit me better and which one would be the more useful in the street. (I was attacked by 2men recently while coming home at night , and got out of this situation because I ran for my life )

Submitted December 24, 2023 at 02:54AM by DekenOd

Saturday, December 23, 2023

What do you think of this Karate Kid movie idea?

What do you think of this brutal violent Karate Kid movie? It is a violent martial arts movie about vigilantism, vengeance, and martial arts.

The movie will also deal with sensitive and shocking topics regarding the realities of bullying.

The title of the movie is “The Karate Kid”.

The protagonist is the eccentric introverted social outcast teen homeschooled boy by the name of Reginald Freudenthal. The martial arts that Reginald is highly skilled at are Muay Thai, Kali(also called Eskrima and Arnis), BJJ, and Luta Livre.

Reginald brutally fights and brutally kills bullies, gangsters, and serial killers.

There were scenes in the movie where Reginald beat to death, amputated, and eviscerated bully highschool gridiron football players and rapist college frat boys as vengeance against them.

Reginald killed the highschool gridiron football players because they tried to bully his beloved introverted eccentric younger brother. Reginald often beats up the gridiron football players in the streets one on one so they just ganged up on him but he still brutally kicks all of their asses.

Reginald killed the college frat boys for drugging and male raping his shy socially-awkward eccentric introverted male cousin.

Reginald is also a brutal vigilante in that he hunts down and kills gangsters such as biker gangs and gangbangers.

One of Reginald's rivals is the rapist serial killer by the alias of Centipede.

Centipede is an Olympic champion of Greco-Roman Wrestling. He is also highly skilled at Polish Sabre swordsmanship. His favorite victims are adolescent white girls.

Other than Reginald, the movie will also focus a bit on another eccentric introverted social outcast teen male martial artist by the name of Eardwulf Byron. Eardwulf is kind of like the second karate kid of the movie.

Eardwulf is highly skilled at HEMA especially in the HEMA martial art of the two-handed double-edged medieval German knight longsword. Eardwulf is also highly skilled at Ringen and Boxing.

Eardwulf is like Reginald but compared to Reginald, Eardwulf is in a worse situation because he isn't just bullied by the whole highschool he attends but is also neglected and abused by his parents. His parents often beat him up and do not feed him for days.

There are times where Eardwulf often carries and uses a sword which is a two-handed double-edged medieval German knight longsword. This is his favorite weapon. He owns it.

Eardwulf's whole highschool such as the teacher, the coaches, the highschool's popular kids, the highschool hockey team, etc. bullies him. There is a part of the movie where Eardwulf killed many people in the highschool by using hand-to-hand combat.

Eardwulf also brutally killed and beheaded the captain of the highschool's fencing team in a duel after ambushing the highschool fencer. Eardwulf's weapon in the duel is his two-handed double-edged medieval German knight longsword. Eardwulf killed the highschool fencing team captain because the highschool fencing team captain is one of his worst bullies in the highschool.

Submitted December 23, 2023 at 10:34PM by Happy-Night-Man

Training Boxing without a coach

Hello Everyone, I'm 17 years old and I'm looking to learn Boxing and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for self defense, I know that the best self-defense is to run and avoid all fights but I want to know how to be able to defend myself just in case those 2 solutions aren't possible anymore. The problem is there is no boxing gym near me but there is a BJJ gym that I'm going to join but I will still be missing out on Boxing. Would it be worth my time to train Boxing at home and watch Boxing videos online, as well as shadow box and hit the pads with my father until I become an adult and I am able to move to a place where there are some MMA gyms where I can start learning boxing from a coach and keep on doing my BJJ as well? Again my main goal is self-defense.

Submitted December 23, 2023 at 06:17PM by Worldly_Ad5417

DIY Pepper Spray

Dear all,

I'm trying to make pepper spray at home. I can easily make the spray itself, but Im not sure how to buy a case for it. I need it to be small, compact, and safe (with a safety). I want it to have decent range and to be reusable. I want the system to be very self reliant. I make the spray I put it in the case's bottle, I load up the bottle, I put it in a holster. Done. But I'm having an impossible time finding a case for it.

I live in Spain, btw.

Anyone got any recommendations? Aerosol/Pressurised Air? Anything that is usually used for something else? Any online sellers that ship to Spain?



Submitted December 23, 2023 at 10:18AM by HibaraiMasashi

Friday, December 22, 2023

Are composite toad boots good for self-defense?

I'm honestly just curious.

Submitted December 22, 2023 at 12:09PM by kr4v3n

picking the kinfe or not?

i was watching this video on twitter
and i saw that a man was robbed, but the thief left the knife while robbing.

Now some people think that the man that was robbed should have taken the knife and react, and some think that what he did was the best choice (doing nothing) because since the robber wasn't actually attacking if the man attacked back then the situaion could have escalated, what do you think? was better to do nothing like he did or react? why?

Submitted December 22, 2023 at 06:43AM by technopixel12345

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Useful advice or not?

We've all probably seen one of those articles that talk about what criminals look for when choosing their victims. Things like not looking around to scan their environment, paying too much attention to their cell phone, etc. There is usually a claim along the lines of: "We talked to 100 bad guys in prison, and this is the list we compiled."

How true are these claims? Do bad guys have a "checklist," consciously or unconsciously, of how to choose victims, or is it just random? Other than the obvious "I'm much bigger than him" type of thing.

Submitted December 21, 2023 at 04:23PM by Emotional_Ice

16000 members in r/SelfDefense!

Let us celebrate this milestone with a brainstorming session!

What is the state of the sub? What do the newest members expect to find here? What are the thoughts of the older members?

Many new ideas have been adopted; let us all carry on with more recommendations!

Last but not least, let's all hope we can offer advice which might save people from harm!

Congratulations to all of our contributors for their precious assistance provided to those in need.

Train as if your life depends on it; it does!

Submitted May 10, 2023 at 11:02PM by theopresent

Just dealt with a scary road rage situation

I don’t want to carry an actual weapon and didn’t need one for years due to having an extra large guardian dog (his presence alone was a deterrent, never put him in a position to hurt anyone) so don’t have many ideas, but thinking this situation could’ve been dealt with better by blinding the person with a high lumens flashlight. Does anyone have an recommendations?

Submitted December 21, 2023 at 11:53AM by salallane

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Items That Are Concealable

Hello. I am a 17 year old house manager for my schools theatre (basically I handle box office stuff). While I have never had people get violent with me (I was once threatened because my POS closed and couldn’t accept money) I’ve been worried for my and my other usher’s safety as of late. Mainly due to the amount of shooting threats in the area and one student’s parent known for being aggressive with staff.

I have to wear a suit when I work and I was wondering if there were any good self-defense items I could get that I can conceal under my clothes or at the very least fit into some kind of emergency box. I am trained in Taekwondo but it’s been years since I’ve been in lessons. Guns are also off the table for obvious reasons.

Anything helps!

Submitted December 20, 2023 at 09:06PM by Minute_Strawberry712

Vivian fights Randy

Who would win in a fight to the death between these two combatants?

1st Combatant:

She is a 17 year old white girl who is a bit taller than most average American males her age. Her body is slim but she is very strong in that she can lift many heavy objects. Her name is Vivian. She has long dark-brown hair.

She never went to school since she was born. For most of her life, she spent most of her time training and competing in the HEMA martial art of the two-handed double-edged medieval German longsword.

Her weapon is the two-handed double-edged medieval German longsword. The blade of this sword does not become thinner and thinner from the beginning towards the pointy end. The blade of this sword is thick from the beginning to the pointy end to be able to cut all human limbs and all human bones.

Vivian also had many experiences fighting and killing gang members.

This is what Vivian often wears including in fights to the death:

  1. A buttoned pure-white blouse with long sleeves.
  2. A pair of black leather flat shoes made for females.
  3. A pair of pure-white socks that only cover ⅓ of her lower legs’ length.
  4. A green long pleated skirt whose bottom reaches and completely covers her talus bones.

2nd Combatant:

His name is Randy. Randy is a 17 year old skilled male wrestler. He is muscular in a way that his build is that of a wrestler. The wrestling style that he is skilled at is Greco-Roman Wrestling. His hair is short in a masculine way. His height is the same as that of most average American male wrestlers his age.

He also goes to school as a highschool student.

Randy has no weapon.

Unlike Vivian, Randy has no experience in fights to the death. The only fights he fought in are normal non-lethal teen fights and confrontations and also sports competitions where there are rules.

So, who would win in a fight to the death between these two combatants?

In the fight, Randy is wearing a typical wrestling sports uniform(such as the ones used in Olympic competitions) while Vivian is wearing the clothes that she often wears.

Submitted December 20, 2023 at 05:25PM by HelloMan8577

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Monday, December 18, 2023

Disabled, Need Different Options to Protect Myself

I have become increasingly disabled and no longer trust myself with guns due to tremors and poor eyesight. Unfortunately my abuser LEO ex husband moved 400 feet from me and I NEED something to protect myself. i’m thinking taser baton? Any suggestions? I’m in a power wheelchair. I used to practice at the range regularly and was a purple belt in BJJ. I cannot do ANY of that now. Really need some weapon I can use.

Submitted December 18, 2023 at 09:24PM by Holiday_Record2610

Aunt getting divorced, husband might go violent

Reason for the post is my other aunt got murdered by her fiancee because she wanted to separate. He was disrespectful against my grandparents and had violent tendencies that started to show before getting married.

Now my aunt and her husband are gonna get divorced and tonight he needs to sign the documents. They've been married for 15 years, my mother is scared that something similar might happen to my aunt.

He's not a violent man but he's been pretty depressed since we found out that he was cheating on her with MEN. My aunt thinks he's married her just to please his parents and hide his sexual identity which seems to be common according to the lawyer.

I'm a 27 year old male and he's in his 50s, we will be sitting on a 4 seater table and talk it out. I'm afraid he might become violent because his mask dropped and he won't be getting the custody of the child.

We do have an app in place to alert the police in case something happens.

How can I prevent any injuries to my family if something happens?

Sorry for my english not my first language.

Submitted December 18, 2023 at 10:23AM by PlentyApart5916

Sunday, December 17, 2023

What self defense style should I try (sf Bay Area)

Hi all,

I’m a 5’0” 21 year old girl who is tired of feeling so scared whenever I leave my home. I keep passing up opportunities I want (dates, festivals, study abroad, etc) because I am too afraid to be in a new place all on my own, worried that something terrible will happen and I have no way of defending myself.

What self defense style or martial arts should I train in to feel more confidence in my ability to protect myself while living life?

I have ZERO experience with self defense/martial arts but I am athletic and a hard worker. Looking for something I can start off doing 2 days/week and increase if I’m enjoying it. I also appreciate anyone who can suggest gyms to go to in the sf Bay Area to train.

Submitted December 17, 2023 at 08:51PM by Positive_Practice_23

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Self defense baton with powerful stunner.

Looking to purchase a self defense weapon for the wife. She can take care of herself but I'd still like to get her more defensive protection. I'm looking to put some distance between her and the aggressor and a powerful sting and intimidating sound.

Could you folks recommend any particular favorites?

Submitted December 16, 2023 at 09:08PM by KaleidoscopeOk2677

Friday, December 15, 2023

Self defense weapons

What is an effective but not deadly self defense weapon you would recommend? One that I could distribute a bunch of for free through a women's program at a college campus, so a Keychain that wouldn't get anyone kicked out of school. I'm taking a self defense class next month at the police department. It's called RAD, Rape Agression Defense, and is 12hrs over 4 meetings. I'm feeling empowered already just by facing my fears and signing up. I want to pass on a little empowerment to other women but...I don't want this to blow up in my face if it's actually a terrible idea. What would be a good and safe way to encompass the general spirit of what I'm trying to do?

I personally already carry a mace that dyes the attacker's face hot pink, and a pink steel skull that you wear like brass knuckles, except it's kind of sharp. The guy said he made one originally for his daughter, and it's not for punching, it's for tearing. My veteran brother recommended a monkey fist. What do you guys think?

Submitted December 15, 2023 at 04:30PM by ExoticNToxic

Thursday, December 14, 2023

De-escalation instructor training

I'm looking to get certified to lead classes in de-escalation techniques for work, but there are a lot of options out there and I'm not sure exactly what to look for. Is there a company or course that anyone recommends over others? Also, what should I look for in an instructor certification program for de-escalation techniques?

Submitted December 15, 2023 at 12:13AM by anonimouse81

Nube here and looking to purchase a taser

Nube here / looking to purchase a taser for the wife and I know nothing about tasers. I would like to buy a decent product that won't break the bank, $150 or less. Product and Company recommendations are greatly appreciated.

Submitted December 14, 2023 at 01:01PM by KaleidoscopeOk2677

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Best option for dog defense, Quality Stun Gun?

Hello, I live in an apartment building with a dog I love very much and would do anything for. Recently, a much larger dog moved in with someone. The dog is EXTREMELY aggressive, and is sometimes wearing a muzzle sometimes not. This dog always goes after my dog and the owner can barely hold onto him. One day I'm afraid they'll let go on accident.

Anyway, sorry, I don't want to get a gun, as I don't want to discharge it in an apartment building. I don't want to stab / kill the dog. I also don't want pepper spray, as I don't want to spray my own dog, and I don't want a taser as I don't want to miss, so I've landed on a stun gun, however I hears they lack effectiveness. Can anyone tell me if this is a good or bad idea, and recommend a somewhat affordable stun gun to buy? Thanks.

Submitted December 14, 2023 at 12:00AM by burlysnurt

What's a good combo for street fights?

Hello, I want to know what is the best combination of martial arts that is good for self defense. I am interested in it as well. I heard that it's good to learn wrestling with whatever you are doing but is there any way that I can learn wrestling outside of college even at age 24?

Submitted December 13, 2023 at 08:46AM by wisehands_9

advice for self-defence practice at home

Last night I was accosted by a man on drugs who threatened to throw me on the train tracks (not great to hear when you are at a train station lol) and assault me. I am a short woman and realised very quickly that he would easily overpower me. Although I was okay because my train arrived and the onboard guard interfered, with how close and aggressive the man got I'm certain I would have gotten seriously injured without the guard being there.

I understand that because of my stature, I couldn’t feasibly take someone on in a fight and win, I am going to work on my physical fitness and sprinting ability, however, I do want to learn some self-defence, that in a situation like yesterday where I might get attacked and they are too close for me to run away.

I’m looking into Krav Maga classes near me and will now carry a tactical torch as I live in Australia and it’s illegal to carry actual self-defence tools.

I live with my dad and was going to ask him to practice grappling or chasing or something similar to a situation I might be in. If anyone has any videos, they think might be helpful for us to simulate, or just advice in general that would be awesome.

Thanks guys

Submitted December 11, 2023 at 09:34PM by AccomplishedUsual157

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

How to stop being friendly, open and polite

I live in an urban, metropolis. Time and time again I have found myself in vulnerable situations because of my friendly, open and polite persona. I am far too trusting and naive.

What even more exhausting is when I have spent thousands of pounds on therapists, only to be told I'm a nice woman and I should stay this way! I completely disagree, this is the real world not Disneyland.

I had near brush with being abducted whilst travelling alone last year(!) and have been struggling with continued PTSD since.

I would really appreciate some big brother/ father advice on how as a woman who is on her own I can keep myself safe.

I am aware of how friendly, polite, helpful, trusting and naive I am. It is a nice quality when one is a child but as a woman in her forties it is foolish and stupid.

I want to become streetwise and able to look after myself.

Submitted December 12, 2023 at 05:12PM by Capable-Breakfast480

Monday, December 11, 2023

So when should you actually use pepper spray?

They say pepper spray is for 3-10feet and to carry it in your hands incase someone attacks. I know that so I’m ideally looking for more specific scenarios.

Let’s say you are 100% certain you are being followed. He is 5 feet away, but hasn’t attacked yet and you have no way of getting away. Do you pepper spray before he attacks? Do you only pepper spray once he attacked?

Submitted December 11, 2023 at 10:04PM by Professional_Put_956

Sunday, December 10, 2023


So, a series of situations have arise involving my mother and business competitors and it’s gotten to the point where it could be life threatening. It’s been a build up of 4 years of increasingly violent threats. I am insisting my mother take a class to be able to identify a threat accurately and take the necessary response to ensure her safety. Although licensed, she is afraid to carry her concealed firearm because she says she is scared that she will react with force to a startling non-life threatening scare. if you know any in-person courses in the DFW area that will provide her with the proper education to respond appropriately, please provide information. Thank You.

Submitted December 11, 2023 at 01:13AM by Succajd1

Saps and Blackjacks

I’m wondering how effective saps and or black jacks are. They seem to need a lot of skill to work with in any scenario. To me, I would think you need to hit the assailant just a right to knock him out. Some guys can take a really hard hit to the chin and still keep coming. I know they can be used as throat, targeting weapons and other things, but strictly from a knockout standpoint in defense. It almost seems like it would be a weapon of opportunity for a surprise attack instead. Any thoughts are welcome on this thought experiment.

Submitted December 11, 2023 at 12:35AM by terminalchef

Understanding Knife Attack Angles

Submitted December 10, 2023 at 09:22PM by SAFEInternational

Looking for the right program for small woman

My job has gotten increasingly violent and I am looking for a self defense system that will allow me to stay safe despite my size. I'm often singled out since I'm an easy target at 5'0. I also have scoliosis so I'm not looking for any sort of super ninja training, as I'm not that flexible. I am looking for something that focuses on actual takedowns etc and not something that focuses necessarily on traditions (like karate). Would love some suggestions or even like YouTube links for beginners. Totally willing to put in the work or find something local if I can as well.

Submitted December 10, 2023 at 02:39PM by UnidentifiedEntity

Saturday, December 9, 2023

what are some whips you can use in a street defens

i once sa w the taliban a long ime ago use whips to disperse looked like it stung but doesn't leave someone truly mangled or hurt. what are some terms to google to find a whip to use, ie pull it out of my car and whip someone on the street and walk away, aminly to enbaress them

Submitted December 09, 2023 at 11:54PM by tindolabooteh

Blast knuckle/non disarm taser question.

Where the hell do I buy these in Canada? I used to be able to order blast knuckles and all their required batteries off Amazon back in the day.

There’s plenty of alternatives now but for the life of me can’t find a single online retailer that will sell them in Canada.

Any of you gents have any leads?

Submitted December 09, 2023 at 10:41PM by GriffithDidNothinBad

How useful are those monkeys fist things?

So serious question, because I see them everywhere but I can't find any actual videos of them working and stuff, but they're been used for a long ass time historically so they're not new and gimicy yet I've never seen any actual legit self defense guys talk about or use them or anyone ever pressure test it

Submitted December 09, 2023 at 09:59PM by mrmagicbeetle

How do I stop afraid of physical confrontation?

I am basically a massive wimp and I truly hate being like this. All my life, I have been an effeminate man who's a big pushover and I am too sensitive. I let people take advantage of me and I have been physically assaulted, spit in and nearly beaten down by people. I am tired of being scared of violence when I have to defend myself and it's destroying my self-esteem and confidence. What advice do you have?

Submitted December 09, 2023 at 06:45PM by wisehands_9

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Bb gun question

How much damage would I do to someone If I mag dumped a bb pistol like a crossman. Just a question I've had for some time

Submitted December 07, 2023 at 07:05PM by Crafty-Opening-2592

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Did a Bareknuckle Vale Tudo fight a few weeks ago

Submitted December 07, 2023 at 12:24AM by MikeyTriangles

Can you explain this feeling during a fight?

I was play fighting with my friend today, and he started approaching me aggressively. For some reason, instead of strategizing and thinking of a plan or counter, my brain just went 'fuck fuck fuck' and I just slowly backed away, closed my eyes, and put my arm in front of me. What is this called and how do you deal with it? This also happens when my friend throws a Hulk-smash haymaker, I have a good second or two to react but I just look away like he's the Sun, my body tenses up and I just brace for impact. On the other hand, if I'm alert, I feel like I could react better to quicker and more sudden attacks. Can that be explained too?

Submitted December 06, 2023 at 09:07PM by KingMaximusOfCamelot

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Holster time making training a hassle

So I'm training to use a rope dart as my edc lethal force opinion, why? It's comfortable to carry conseled , deploys about at the same speed as a pistol( detailed example with a guy pressure testing it, and another shorter example ) ,being able to make a big controled area where people can't approach, has a 10ft range so it can work in the 9ft that "most self defense situations happen in" , has reasonable stopping power , also I'm not a gun guy and think our mind set of guns being the only viable option for civilian lethal force is flawed but I'm not all that anti gun just not for me. Your gonna train what you enjoy, carry what you train, and use what you carry if you're ever unlucky enough to have to defend yourself.

With that stuff out the way , I'm practicing that quick draw technique and while it comes out super fast, setting that back up takes so long compaired the quick pop in of a kydex sheath , like I shoot dart out redo the daisy chain (takes a good couple of seconds) re adjust shirt and rope , shoot out again. And it's got me wondering if holster time will significantly effect my ability to train and get constistant draws because I'm not able to do that many reps in a given span of time , should I just suck it up and train or figure out a faster way to set it up for training so I can get more reps in even if it isn't the same as my consealed "state"

Submitted December 05, 2023 at 06:39PM by mrmagicbeetle

testicle defense

Many years ago I was jumped by 3 people outside a bar/club. I didn't know why they were attacking me, and I was too drunk to run away so I just tucked my chin and took shots to my forehead / crown and periodically pushed them away. None of them were that much bigger than me, and since they were only punching, I figured they'd just stop after a bit and go away, which they eventually did.

But before they stopped, one guy took careful aim and kicked me straight in the balls. I thought I was in for a rough night, but to my surprise I felt no pain at all. Not even the day after, though my head hurt somewhat (a bag of ice to the head cleared me up in a couple hours).

I figure I avoided any injury since my balls were probably partway retracted into my body due to the stress of the situation. Which got me wondering - could this response be trained? Some light Googling showed that Kegel exercises strengthens the muscles involved (cremaster muscles), and the workout seems to be effective - easy to do and helpful against strikes and grabs.

Has anyone else had a similar experience / conclusion?


Got kicked in the balls, felt no pain, did research, found that Kegel exercises strengthen the cremaster muscles which pull the testicles upward when activated.

Submitted December 05, 2023 at 05:14PM by Shiv888

20 Powerful Self Defense Gadgets

Submitted December 05, 2023 at 03:54PM by TMI2022


Submitted December 05, 2023 at 01:07PM by TMI2022

Sunday, December 3, 2023

Protecting Valuable Property

Hopefully I've come to the right subreddit. I am a college student taking courses within a big city in southern USA. A lot of my work and personality involves very expensive equipment such as drones, computers, camera equipment as well as many expensive personal items that I keep with me where ever I am staying. Over the last year I have grown a huge concern over the possibility of theft. I'm currently staying in a student dorm which has many securities measures established, giving me peace of mind for now (I am already a nut for locking absolutely everything when I leave), however, I feel whenever I am transporting my things I become a prime target for robbery as I'm seen carrying a lot of black cases and bags. I think I'm not taking all the preventative measures against theft and I'm not sure what elso to do. My question is: How do I go about defending myself and my property outside of my home and what preventative measures should I incorporate? Thanks!

Submitted December 04, 2023 at 01:05AM by Fearless_Tap1241

What’s a good concealed carry weapon?

I got into an altercation with a guy at a gas station and stood my ground with him, at the end of the day it really isn’t worth fighting over some little petty ass shit when he’s staying 6-7 feet away talking nonsense, but it put it into perspective afterwards like I need a gun because honestly fuck fighting this dude cause let’s just say by the grace of god dude hits me I fall down and hit my head on a curb and I’m gnawing on my shoulder for the rest of my life, if I know I’m about to fight someone I know it’s to that point I might as well hit him first or shoot him🤷🏻‍♂️ but anyways that’s the story behind the question😂 what’s best for self defense in your opinion’s?

Submitted December 03, 2023 at 09:38AM by Westmoreland5

What to do if you're worried about torture?

Hi, so I am in Israel (please avoid any political comments... that's where I'm located). I'm very, very scared of terrorists entering my home and torturing/raping me. I'm alone with my dog, and I don't have a gun license. I know that if they get in, I'm dead. But what can I do to get them to shoot me quickly without torturing or raping me first? I thought of throwing a tantrum and struggling, but I'm very small and short and people usually find it funny and I think it might just make them want to hurt me more. I've bought a plastic gun, I thought maybe they'll think I'm armed and shoot me, but I don't know how realistic it looks.

I would appreciate any ideas. Thank you!

Submitted December 03, 2023 at 06:46AM by Hadasfromhades

How to defend myself when alone with my toddler?

I live in a rural area with crime and homelessness problem. For the first time in my life, I do not feel safe when I’m alone in my neighborhood.

Also I seem to attract attention from (literally) psychotic people. I’ve had a stranger grab my shoulders and try to shove me into traffic while I was crossing an intersection. Not once, not twice, but THREE time strange men have tried to force themselves into my car.

Recently I was home alone w my son and a guy was in our driveway taking photos of the house. Maybe he was harmless (??) but he bolted as soon as he saw me looking at him.

Then there was a woman convinced I was the devil and she threatened to hit me while I was walking with my son in my arms. All I could do was shift my body so I was between her and my son, and i sternly said “No” and kept walking. I have no idea what I would have done if she actually got violent.

I don’t know what it is. I don’t engage with these people, I “walk with purpose”, etc.

Anyway totally rambling but tonight I had to call 911 for a downed sparking power line and I was on hold for 3 minutes before I even spoke to dispatch. It made me realize if there was ever a true emergency while I was home, I’d be screwed bc it would take so long for anyone to get here.

Anyway. Not to sound paranoid but I am worried about not being prepared if someone broke in or followed us home. A gun is not an option at the moment until I can get my husband on board w keeping one in the house. I am 5’2” and alone w the baby 80% of the time, he is 6’5” and has never dealt w/ the kind of weird encounters I’ve had.

Anyone have practical steps I can take to feel safer in my own home and neighborhood? Taser? Pepper spray….?? Also any advice for easing my hubby’s anxieties about keeping a gun in the house? Thank you.

Submitted December 03, 2023 at 05:29AM by mariah808

Thursday, November 30, 2023

6 Surprising Words I Hear Teaching Self Defence

Submitted November 30, 2023 at 11:34PM by SAFEInternational

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Any common tells that someone is about to attack?

My sister has been attending peaceful demonstrations regarding a particular ongoing conflict. I worry for her safety. Is it obvious when someone is about to start something/is carrying a weapon? And what are the options other than running?

Submitted November 29, 2023 at 08:48PM by ayeffkay220

BJJ vs. multiple Adversaries

I believe the consensus is “any martial art training is better than no martial art training”. And BJJ is popular and successful because we’ve seen videos of it used in real life and because it’s a non striking art, it lends itself to “live practice”. Does anyone have anecdotes or ideas about how grappling would be used against multiple adversaries? Is there anything besides using a submission to cause an injury and then engaging the next guy?

Submitted November 29, 2023 at 11:35AM by freewillcausality

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

What do I do if I get jumped at school?

So I think I might get jumped at school for telling people this girl was making fun of me and the girl has a bunch of friends and does not listen. I’m scared that I’m going to get jumped and even though I think I know how to fight I would probably get scared and run away so what do I do?

Submitted November 28, 2023 at 04:11PM by RecommendationSea199

Monday, November 27, 2023

Dealing with argumentative Karens.

Have you ever had an activist/karen come up to you, argue with you, and refuse to leave you alone regardless? What did you use, or do to get them off your back? Is it legal to use self defence?

Submitted November 27, 2023 at 04:28AM by Draculigula

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Can anyone ID what this is?

Submitted November 24, 2023 at 10:32PM by Westrock88

Friday, November 24, 2023

Best Self Defense Key-Chain

Looking for some sort of mini brass knuckles that can attach to my keychain. I’m having trouble finding some on google. Moving near a rough area soon and if anyone has other suggestions it would be appreciated. Average build male.

Submitted November 24, 2023 at 11:29AM by iMxney

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Help me choose weapon for self defense

I need to choose between a pellet gun at 450fps or a rubber ball / steel / pepper ball for self defense I think 350fps but it's usually measured in joules which is 18. What would be better to hurt someone more. I want s gun to scare them mostly but if I need to shoot I want it to hurt and make them retreat. Obviously if they have a gun I'm dead but it could be a robbery or some sort. Looking at Umraex cp88 competition pellet gun or LTL 1.50 rubber gun. other suggestions are helpful to. Not asking which gun is better just which type is better to defend pellet or rubber

Submitted November 23, 2023 at 09:35PM by Zimboyed

I am strong build but my anxiety blocks me!!

My main problem is following:

I always thought of myself as only strong in my dreams but not in reality but my father opened my eyes: My body is strong build due to experience and genetics and so i have the potential to be pretty strong but here comes the issues: It does not matter how strong i am because my OCD and my anxiety hold me back!! Others tell me i can be very strong but i feel like they just want me to feel good about myself!! I hate myself sometimes for being too cautious and too nice because i know i cannot always be like that if i wanna survive!!

I was bullied and attacked as a little child and i never fought back because i did not want to make someone mad or i am afraid of breaking them apart which seems to be a nice trait but here comes the twist: "If i do not attack, i will be broken apart and beaten up even if the attacker is weaker than me just because of my "overthinking".

I also do not want to be weak and i wanna be strong for real but imagine someone attacks real anxiety will be high: The fear that he kills me because i am too slow or the fear that i crush him and then someone will take revenge or i get into trouble.

But i hate how i feel like i am "at the mercy of someone else" so this is not about looking cool or superior or impressing others but about survival. Maybe one day i have a wife and children and as a man i must be willing to fight even if i die and i hate my anxiety for holding me back. Imagine me being stronger sometimes but still i allow the attack "because of my doormat personality" and then i pay the price.

So even if i learn martial arts...if my personality is diabled and dysfunctional, i will not be able to react fast enough and we know real fights take seconds but i wanna be able to defend myself against someone. I don`t want to just stand there paralyzed and make the attacker`s mode and choices decide my fate. So i wanna learn to be merciless and just hurt someone. Because i am afraid and paranoid. I do not mind losing in one on one competitive fights but like for the case a serious fight happens, i must win or else i am dead or in hospital. So i already plan on training my body and get out it`s full potential but it makes zero difference because the personality decides how the body will be used.

Do you have any advices? Am i the only one who makes these pathetic "what if scenarios" which make me feel even worse?

Also i would love to think of myself as strong but if i never get into a fight, i can never be sure but my first real fight could be my death as well. So i am afraid of either being broken apart or breaking the other one apart too. And i do not wanna feel like the opponent`s mode and choice is my fate. What do you suggest me to do?

Submitted November 23, 2023 at 01:05PM by NakedTruth7

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

What’s your opinion on this armor vest?

I am looking for a light weight yet concealable high impact armor vest for self defense.

Submitted November 22, 2023 at 04:04PM by Evening_Quarter3920

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

How do I fix my mindset for self defence?

Pretty much I'm never mentally ready to fight when I need to be, because it's always the other man who starts it and I'm always either confused why they're starting it and trying to do the maths or processing the appropriate reaction to what's happening in front of me. I used to overreact to everything and get in fights at any opportunity, now my first reaction in an intense situation is for my body to go ultra calm and chill, I don't know why I started doing this, but it's really unhelpful.

For example; the other day a homeless man approached me while I was getting cash out of the ATM saying he was going to kill himself and he needs me to listen immediately, I was immediately uncomfortable with how close he was to me as he got up right in my face while I was withdrawing money, so I told him to back off because he's too close. He immediately started freaking out and following me around shouting "YOU WANT ME TO CALL THE FUCKING POLICE ON YOU?" A guy behind me heard this and came up to me and wrapped me up trying to subdue me , obviously thinking that because the homeless man was threatening to call the police then I must have been the aggressor in that situation and he was doing a good thing by stopping me. What did I do? Absolutely nothing. I let him wrap me up but the homeless man told him to let me go so he could continue to harass me himself.

Why did I do nothing? Because it happend so fast and I'm not used to suddenly going from 0 and being chill and content to 100 where I'm fighting for my life. I guess I'm imaging that if I'm freaking out I'm not gonna be able to manage the situation, but I literally let a guy put his hands on me.

How can I mentally learn to overcome this?

Submitted November 21, 2023 at 09:45PM by Fit_Specific4658

I think i'm gonna get jumped at school

So basically me and my friend are being targeted by like 20 guys and everywhere we go in the school, they are everywhere. What should we do.

Submitted November 21, 2023 at 11:54AM by These_Durian_4263

What Martial Art is better! (How you answer)


Submitted November 21, 2023 at 10:41AM by RaizingI

Sunday, November 19, 2023

College Campus Does Not Allow Self-Defense Weapons

I called my school's sheriff this morning to ask if I could carry pepper spray and/or a (utility folding) knife on campus. He explained that in the event of me using either, or them being seen, I would get into some trouble.

I take the bus every day and will soon have to take it to my campus when the winter semester begins.

I am a young, [18] skinny male of short stature (5'-4") and not very physically capable in any sort of potential confrontation, so pepper spray is a must, especially in my area, where at least two passengers on any given bus ride are under the influence or are long-term users. (one guy once offered me a drink from his Starbucks cup, which was full of piss) Needless to say, it's scary.

I cannot give up taking my pepper spray on bus rides or outside in my neighborhood, which is what will happen if I do not take them onto the campus. Walking takes hours and I have no other mode of transportation.

What's the best solution here?

Submitted November 19, 2023 at 01:11PM by Peanut_butter_samich

Best martial arts/self defense for street fights?

I am a 23 year old man who's about to be 24 years old next month. I have never been in a real fight before and I realize that I have to fix this issue quickly. I am 6'1 and weigh about 180 pounds so I am looking into a good martial arts that can help me. I have been scared of getting into physical fights and I want to overcome that once and for all. What's the best martial arts to learn? How long will it take to be able to defend myself against anyone confidently?

Submitted November 19, 2023 at 10:14AM by wisehands_9

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Self defense suggestions

So i want to know what is the best self defense to start training for street fights and fights in general, i do weight lifting and i want some self defense sports like muay thai, boxing, etc

Submitted November 18, 2023 at 01:08PM by kangzyuan

Friday, November 17, 2023

Minimum amount of striking training to be worth it

I train BJJ and would fall back on that training if I ever needed to defend myself... BUT I do recognize the need to know how to strike.

My gym offers Muay Thai classes but I would have to pay more per month to have access to those. I found a pretty reputable boxing gym not to far from me that offers a package of six classes for $160. So I was thinking of taking one boxing a class a month just to learn how to throw a punch, how to defend, head movement, etc.

The only problem is that I would like to spar, and the boxing gym requires coach approval to get in the ring. I doubt going once a month would ever give me that opportunity.

Advice? Should I just bite the bullet and do the Muay Thai at my gym?

Submitted November 17, 2023 at 11:29PM by MontisQ

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Downsides to using pepper spray?

A few weeks ago my friend and I got attacked by someone on crack at a bus stop. Thankfully the person didn’t have any weapons on them and we ended up being okay. But this situation got me thinking about self defense tools I could’ve used. I’m scared about potentially using pepper spray in the future and the attacker retaliating and pulling out a gun. Is an action like that possible while you are feeling the effects of pepper spray?

Submitted November 15, 2023 at 10:01PM by Extension-Cupcake246

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

A stranger punches you in the face...

... as you leave a bar. You're more stunned than anything else. He walks off. The punch is level 4 out of 10. What's your best move?

This happened to me a few months ago. I can't explain why, never saw the guy before, and never escalated. I've played the scenario over in my mind many times wondering if I did the right thing to leave. My initial thought was, if he could do this, he may have a weapon.


Submitted November 14, 2023 at 11:32PM by _player_0

Monday, November 13, 2023

When someone is in your car door, what to do?

Tonight I had quite a fright. I'm 5'5 female. Tonight I left my apartment building and an over 6 foot man followed me out the door, and all the way to my car. When I went to get in my car he blocked me from shutting the door, and leaned into my car jabbering at me. He was unhinged and thinking he met Jesus today or something, and seemed mentally unwell. I was terrified. Luckily he did not harm me. He was just telling me this story about meeting Jesus today and gave him a ride and he's coming back for us or whatever. I put on my seat belt and put my keys in the ignition and started the car, thinking if I had to I'd back out with the door still open even if he was there. Luckily he stepped back and let me go and I slammed the door shut and locked the doors. I was very shaken by this as being a lone woman walking to her car in the dark is kinda terrifying. Would it have been inappropriate to use something in self defense like mace in this instance? What should i have done? He apparently lives in my building, and in the end did not hurt me. But I want to be more prepared because things happen. I'm thinking I need to be more aware, and maybe learn some self defense, just for the future. Frankly I froze because I didn't know WHAT to do. I realized how vulnerable I was being in a dark parking lot by myself. I tried to post elsewhere but got no response. I am thinking I need to learn some basic self defense?

Submitted November 14, 2023 at 01:17AM by Sensitive-Rope3231

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Truck guns and things to consider?

Hey guys so I’ve been thinking about this for a minute now, i currently have a Glock 21 for my (Truck Gun). I’ve been wanting to add a rifle or a sub gun. I have a sbr but don’t actually want to keep that bad boy in there with possible break ins and such. Does anyone carry a sub gun in a rifle form or pistol form? If so what would you recommend that wouldn’t break the bank I’m not opposed to anything would like to see options.

Submitted November 12, 2023 at 06:00PM by abryce87

Can superpowers appear in real life?

In the future?

Submitted November 12, 2023 at 09:47AM by Itchy_Salamander_935

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Castle doctrine shooting.

Submitted November 11, 2023 at 09:35PM by theforcereview

Defense Bandana

Several years ago there was a website that had directions for making a defense bandana using a dog choker collar and a bandana. Any chance someone remembers that site? It was Don Raric or something like that. TIA!

Submitted November 11, 2023 at 08:48AM by Proud_Mine3407

Friday, November 10, 2023

I'm sure I will inevitably need to fight

I live with an ex-felon with an assault charge. He is stronger and most likely more experienced with fights than I am. I'm sure any day now he will attack me. Me and the other roommates are working on forcing him to leave, but it's a gradual process. I can't use weapons or dirty tactics, at least not right away, but I intend to fight like the cornered animal that I will become when this happens. Since I need to wait for him to fucking sucker punch me with his ex-convict strength, how can I come out of this with as little damage as possible?

Submitted November 11, 2023 at 12:29AM by TypicalSelection6647

What do you think of these stretches for kicks?

What do you think of these stretches for higher kicks and the question mark kick?

  1. Start with lateral leg raises, 10 on each leg
  2. Butterfly stretch for 30 seconds
  3. Hamstring stretch, 10 seconds on each leg (I'm not sure if it's still called a hamstring stretch when you're doing it on one leg at a time)
  4. Butterfly stretch again for 30 seconds
  5. For good measure, another 10 lateral leg raises on each leg

How does that sound? Since I'm a beginner I can't do anything more complex than that, and nothing longer than that. I plan on doing these right before I sleep. Are these stretches enough to get substantially higher kicks and master the question mark kick? I can already KIND OF do the question mark kick, but I always lose my balance.

Submitted November 10, 2023 at 04:17PM by KingMaximusOfCamelot

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Can an umbrella by used for selfdefense purposes?

Obviously not the best self defense weapon but I was wondering if you swung it around, would that make the guy to scared to approach you or if you used it like a sword and aimed for the head or the gut with the sharp.

Submitted November 09, 2023 at 06:20PM by FreakShowRed7

Reality Check - Dirty tricks

What is your opinion on this video? I totally agree with him; eye gouging etc. are not the super powers that people think.

Submitted November 09, 2023 at 12:45PM by Clod89

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Self defense ideas for my home

Hello. I live in the US but I am an immigrant with employment permit, I am not allowed to buy a gun since I am not a citizen or permanent resident. But not too long ago someone broke into a house that is not very far from mine and I have been thinking what I could use like a Pellet pistol, crossbow or bow and arrow. What do you guys recommend ?

Submitted November 07, 2023 at 11:48PM by Intelligent-Roof4555

Are there any striking gyms that don’t use gloves?

My main paranoia is repeated head impact trauma (CTE). Which we know can be much worse when using gloves.

But I don’t mind the occasional black eye from sparring accidents. Plus I feel like gloves off is better practise for real life self defence.

Are there any gyms that practise any striking martial arts like Muay Thai, boxing etc without using gloves?

I’m in Sydney Australia but curious in general too.


Submitted November 07, 2023 at 08:02PM by Neanderthal888

How to protect yourself from creepy men?


Submitted November 07, 2023 at 10:03AM by vampire_eater

Monday, November 6, 2023

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Wrestler vs Strong Football Player

Would being a fit person with good wrestling background (but weak striking) work against a football player? Like 185ish pound wrestler against 220ish pound football player/strong fit person. Could you get up close with them and grapple them to the ground or would that not work?

Submitted November 06, 2023 at 12:51AM by manofwater3615

Self defense help from a mentally unstable friend

Every Friday I have some of my buddies over (I'm 16) at my house and we usually don't do anything to intense, but one of my friends -We'll call him josh- has very mild autism and likes to yell and scream constantly, and sometimes chokes people when he doesn't get his way. He is very loud and annoying.

However, when I try to show him how it feels, or be fair with him by making loud sounds(using an instrument), he ends up stealing it from me and continues yelling. I am confused whether our actions are fair or not and I would like some advice so I can safely disarm him whenever he takes my instruments.

I also would like advice on enforcing strict (er) rules in my house in order to make him calmer.

Submitted November 05, 2023 at 06:32PM by Leafmeleon

LOCK the Door! Here's your 15 Second SAFE Tip!

Submitted November 05, 2023 at 05:27PM by SAFEInternational

Self-Defense Tips to Thwart Purse Snatching

Submitted November 05, 2023 at 04:59PM by SAFEInternational

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Midnight Street Brawl

Thought this would be a fun discussion for this sub, hope Im not braking any rules.

Picture this:

It's around midnight, and you're strolling down a bustling street with a couple of your friends, heading to the next bar. The atmosphere is alive with people moving up and down the street, and it's an active night for the town. Suddenly, out of the blue, a guy who's with his own group of friends bumps into you. He starts yelling, claiming you saw him coming and should've stepped aside. Both of you are clearly a little tipsy, and in the heat of the moment, he shoves you. People nearby notice the commotion, and before you realize it, a circle forms around the two of you.

He raises his hands, signaling that a fight is about to go down. The crowd starts whipping out their phones to record and shouting all sorts of things. Your opponent, standing 3 inches taller and weighing about 20 pounds more than you, leaves you with a choice: which martial arts pack would you rely on to give you an edge in this altercation?

All else being equal (same quality dojo across disciplines, etc) and all packs assuming you’ve trained for 2 years on each discipline:

Pack 1: boxing + wrestling

Pack 2: muay thai + bjj

Pack 3: boxing + muay thai

Pack 4: wrestling + bjj

Pack 5: boxing + bjj

Pack 6: muay thai + wrestling

Submitted November 04, 2023 at 06:10PM by Upbeat-Detective6872

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Road rage situations?

I have my way of handling this, which is to essentially stop/pull over the vehicle and wait for the offender to clear out. I have been in many of these instances, and this has virtually always worked. However, I do have my concerns about if the person gets out of their car and approaches. In this case, I would leave my windows shut and dial 911, but I am wondering if there is anything more I can do. Brandishing a firearm seems like an unwanted/unnecessary escalation unless the person starts banging on the car/trying to break in. Obviously pepper spray could work if I exit the car and stand my ground, but I would think staying inside the car would generally be the safer option. I am in a stand-your-ground state, do not own a firearm, and frankly do not wish to, as I think they only increase the likelihood that things can get out of hand. I'm wondering if anyone has any intelligent, strategic, ideally non-violent ways of dealing with this kind of situation, other than what I've already outlined.

Submitted November 02, 2023 at 05:42PM by Fine-Economy-2186

Pepper spray ideas for my wife.

So my wife is a teacher and they recently had a meeting with some local pd about actions to take for a shooting. My wife has a room in the middle of a building with no windows and a door that opens out into the hallway. Meaning escape options are limited and barring the door is limited. Her door has a lock but I was hoping for recommendations for a good pepper spray that has the best throw distance. I've seen people ask the question about what's the best, but wanted to ask specifically for throw distance. I know bear mace can throw 25ft plus, but is it as effective as pepper spray?

Thank you all in advance.

Submitted November 02, 2023 at 08:09AM by Dagger18

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Is once a week enough?

I mainly train at a gym for aesthetics, but I still want to learn boxing for self-defence and my goal is to atleast be able to hold my own in a street fight and defend myself against the average fighter. I lift 4x a week and can go to a boxing gym only once a week. would that be enough o reach my goal?


Submitted November 01, 2023 at 07:53PM by 21Juqmi

Should I cross train or learn one art at a time.

Hello Everyone I have been looking to join a Martial Arts gym, there are 3 gyms I'm my area one for Muay Thai, one for BJJ, and one that offers both, they are all around the same price, I am wondering should I go to one of the gyms that offer only one of the arts, and learn one at a time to focus on one specific art, or should I join the gym that offers both and cross train in both at the same time.

Submitted November 01, 2023 at 05:56PM by Worldly_Ad5417

Monday, October 30, 2023

Tiny hammer for self defense?

What's your opinion on light hammers when used in self defense situations? Will 10oz (300 grams) will be enough or are hammers useless in general?

Submitted October 30, 2023 at 05:44PM by Usual-Manufacturer-2

I don't feel safe at my new college.

Last night a crazy guy snuck onto campus with a machete and started trying to break intp everyone's dorm. Campus police came long after he left. What should I do to make sure I'm safe next time?

Submitted October 30, 2023 at 02:13PM by WeakEntrepreneur3312

Adding Boxing to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu training

What are your guys thoughts on adding boxing to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu training for self defense purposes, I know that it's best not to get into a fight and to deescelate and run away but I'm talking about if you tried those 2 options and they didn't work would Boxing be good to add to my Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu training for self-defense?

Submitted October 30, 2023 at 11:58AM by Worldly_Ad5417

Sunday, October 29, 2023

We are gun guys so biased ?

So I saw this video And it's so dumb I get that a gun is the best weapon for really anything but some people male or female don't wanna kill I'm a naval cadet (Jr millarty) planning on joining the coast guard pretty much as a swat officer I have been with guns and worked with guns my whole life what I'm saying is I have a shit ton of experience but what this guy fails to understand is that there are other things to add in like do i wanna carry a gun all the time or maybe I should take a class and honestly in my opinion if you want to defend your self with essinatly zero effort buy a little 22lr with rubber bullets maybe get a lesson or two from any one that knows a little bit about guns and your good but carrying a big glock or something it's just not for me I know how to box I feel safe with that so maybe I don't have a good say also I'm pretty big looking so maybe I'm not the right guy but what do you guys think? In my opinion guns aren't the only thing you can protect yourself with maybe tasers or pepper spray or a fighting class.

Submitted October 29, 2023 at 11:27PM by lucitheork

Ofc the russians

Submitted October 29, 2023 at 02:41PM by Kraljevicmare13

Best use of one full year of training?

I have no self-defense training, but I am in excellent shape (I am a cyclist and I do intensive weight training).

In my twenties I tried a couple times to pick a martial art and study it but I always ended up losing interest.

Rather than going down that route again - learning a specific style or philosophy - I would like to learn practical self defense: the basics of how to stand in a fight, how to deflect or dodge attacks, how to observe your opponent, effective attacks, etc.

My job is fully remote so I am able to commit to picking a place and living there for a year, focusing my free time on learning at a good school. I just don't know what to look for.

So I'm curious: what and where would people recommend?

Submitted October 29, 2023 at 02:29AM by LiterallyAMurderer

What is your opinion on knifes as a self defense weapon?

Submitted October 29, 2023 at 04:45AM by theopresent

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Has any human ever had knuckle sharpening surgery?

Just popped into my mind if there’s a real life Wolverine out there with surgically sharpened knuckles. For the purpose of making themselves more dangerous in a street fight.

This day and age, there’s a nut case who’s thought of everything. Especially with the competitivity of MAA and Vale Tudo.

So I’d be surprised if this doesn’t exist. But a quick Google found nothing. So I’m curious if anyone has heard of anyone doing such a thing. Or doing any kind of surgery to make themselves a more dangerous striker.

Submitted October 28, 2023 at 09:23PM by Neanderthal888

How to reinforce a door to hold against a ram?

Do they make doors and frames that are battering ram proof?

OR is there anything you can do to reinforce a door to make it hold against a battering ram?

Submitted October 28, 2023 at 09:57PM by shadow_nipple

Opinions on self defense guns?

I’m turning 21 in the next couple months and starting looking at carry options. What everyone’s thoughts on the S&W shield, berreta PX4 storm and the Glock G43?

Submitted October 28, 2023 at 06:17PM by John_1778

Friday, October 27, 2023

Best self defense for work?

I'm a driver and after this mass shooting that happened in Lewiston Maine (Which is where I work) I'm looking for the best self defense kit for my backpack besides owning a firearm because my job probably doesn't allow it and I live in Massachusetts with a old issue that may prevent me from owning another one again. Currently I have a Sabre Gel Pepper Spray travel size, a Fenix Flashlight with strobe and soon to buy another pocket knife. Any reccomendations on the best pepper spray? How about if the strobe light would be effective? Any suggestions on a great military style knife for a last resort? I also forgot to mention that I have a Sig Sauer Pellet gun Pistol would that do anything as a last resort too with the right pellets and fresh C02?

Submitted October 27, 2023 at 06:15PM by RedlineBMW

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Muay Thai Fight Tips

Submitted October 26, 2023 at 07:03AM by eat-sleep-rave

the deadliest self defence move

Submitted October 26, 2023 at 04:13AM by inkontanjen

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Self defense and weight lifting

Hi everyone,

I have been thinking of going to kickboxing (Or regular boxing, dont know yet) lessons just so I can know how to properly defend myself and loved ones when necessary, meet new people, a little confidence boost and just as a hobby.

My true passion is lifting weights, thats something I truely enjoy and also take very serious so I dont want kickboxing to get in the way of that (if you catch my drift) but I also want to become good enough at it so I can defend myself and just as a fun new hobby. I dont want to become a pro kickboxer or something like that haha.

Maybe a stupid question but would training 1x a week (at an actual kickboxing gym) and then 1x or 2x week (on my gym rest days) by myself be good enough? Is that too much?

Thank you for reading 😊

Submitted October 25, 2023 at 12:54PM by Vikseba

The only Self-Defense system(s) if you’re American

Alright so, what is the #1 martial art that pops into most people (in the 🇺🇸 USA)’s heads when they’re asked what is the best fighting system for self defense?

That’s right, It’s none other than Krav Maga.

The second most well known “street self-defense” or “Reality-based Martial Art” in America is very likely going to be Systema.

One’s Israeli 🇮🇱, and the other’s Russian 🇷🇺. The arts are effective at dirty street fighting, so who cares where they’re from ? You got a point, sure, but the thing that bothers me is that the USA has around 10 legitimate street fighting / self-defense systems that are just as effective as the kravmagist and the Systema soldier’s arsenals. So why not support the growth of martial arts of our own country’s creation ?

What I’m talking about are

Contemporary Fighting Arts The massive dvd and book selection by creator Sammy Franco is legit as fuck, especially his Widowmaker and Street Savagery programs (the first of Franco’s material you should study). I look through the website, and I find I am immensely proud that this amazing, massive deadly combat system was created by an American 🇺🇸.

The second one I want to point out is the Extreme Self Protection System by Mark Hatmaker. You see, Mark published a street self-defense system, and an MMA system that is beyond the reach of the modern MMA fighting system that has become sort of solidified with the creation of the unified rules of MMA. Whether you are a Reality-based (RMA) Martial Artist, or a combat sports practitioner, or you like studying BOTH, the Mad Scientist, Hatmaker, has got you covered.

The others worth mentioning are the Keysi Fighting Method and 52 blocks (an offshoot style of Jailhouse Rock), as well as the Target Focus 🎯 Training system by Tim Larkin, which I studied years ago and was impressed by how helpful it was in helping to develop my street self-defense skills, but I don’t If it’s still around. The one who introduced me to the philosophy of the RMA was author Peyton Quinn, who was funny as hell and real with his stories of how he survived many a street-fight without glorifying it.

I would like to see Franco’s System, the Widowmaker Combat Style, I guess you could call it, as part of the Contemporary Fighting Arts (CFS) TOTAL SYSTEM of extreme chokes/joint locks (my first DVD I ever ordered on the subject), knife 🔪 fighting 🩸, ‘dirty’ striking techniques, street fighting psychology etc., grow up and out, bigger than Krav Maga, establishing a franchise (or two) in every major US city, vis-a-vis Eddie Bravo’s 10th Planet 🌎 System, which is fucking popular worldwide there’s a 10th Planet School open or openining in many major cities here in the States and around the world! I’ve never seen anything like it; he showed us how to do jiu-jitsu right by going no-gi and eliminating that stupid ‘no leg locks’ rule BJJ was under when it came to the US. And then he made real monsters of his style, and let them open up chapters all over, and they’re all following the same curriculum, his curriculum, the 10th Planet Curriculum which is VERY innovative while still very recognizably 10th Planet (lockdown anyone? Banana split? the Twister? All moves from the 10PJJ system. The right way to do a new martial art.

Submitted October 25, 2023 at 07:09AM by InnerCosmos54

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

How do you defend yourself when you're sitting?

Let's say that you're sitting on a bench outside, working or playing games on your laptop. Somebody comes along and throws a punch at you. (I know this sounds ridiculous, but it's just hypothetical) What would you do then? You can't really evade their punch, and you don't have a lot of options to block or parry either. You're quite literally a sitting duck. All you have is your laptop, which could have also been a distraction making you not fully aware of your attacker. And we are assuming they are untrained, throwing telegraphed punches and haymakers, climbing onto you like a monkey. What's more, there are likely other people sitting by you, which further limits your options since you have even less space and you also don't want to hurt the other people while you are defending yourself.

Submitted October 24, 2023 at 10:03PM by KingMaximusOfCamelot

Monday, October 23, 2023

Apartment Safety tips?

I’m moving into a new apartment where both my roommate and I are women. The neighborhood is relatively safe but the building definitely has less security than I’m used to so I’m thinking of stocking up on self defense weapons or personal security systems just to be as safe as possible.

I would love any recommendations for effective and accessible self defense weapons that help you feel safe! I already have a defense bat but I would still like others suggestions from their experience. Any helpful input would be appreciated!

Submitted October 23, 2023 at 10:39PM by rosiesentiment

Question for the “just get a gun” crowd.

In my opinion unarmed self defense should be the default starting point in learning to protect yourself or your loved ones. So one of the recurring comments that shows up for anyone asking questions about how they should start self defense is “just get a gun” or “that wouldn’t work against a gun”.

I also carry concealed. For people who carry guns for self defense, what self defense training are you doing besides just going to the range and making sure you can hit a target?

Most self defense shootings happen at less than 10 yards.

Some things to think about:

Do you practice drawing your gun?

Do you practice drawing a weapon under stress? While somebody is charging you?

What do you do if you go to draw your weapon and somebody grabs your hand and the weapon is still in the holster? What if it’s out of the holster?

What if you and your attacker are fighting over possession of the gun?

What if you have a gun, but the situation isn’t deadly?

Submitted October 23, 2023 at 05:52PM by NotoriousKreid

One move to knockout anyone

What are some best moves which, if i master, i can take down most of the people who don't have a professional training. I have seen some videos where a single man takes down several men one by one using the same technique. Just wondering

Submitted October 23, 2023 at 04:15PM by I__forgor

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Is martial arts the best form of self defense?

When I search up “best forms of self-defense,” I keep getting martial arts this martial arts that. Are there better forms of self-defense than martial arts? I know for a fact the military does far more than strap guys up in gi’s and have them punch and wrestle eachother.

Submitted October 22, 2023 at 10:22PM by isamuri

Street fight query

In a fight I find I can throw faster and have better defence with open hands than a closed fist. By the time my arm is extended I will have a tight fist. Is this the correct technique?

Submitted October 22, 2023 at 07:28PM by JCost74

I have a cool technique

Submitted October 22, 2023 at 03:06PM by Ill_Rooster4380

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Accidentally washed and dried my pepper spray

I’m an idiot and accidentally sent my saber pepper spray through the washer and dryer. I licked a couple of the items and they are indeed not spicy. Do you think there’s any risks wearing the clothes and using the blankets or should I be good?

Submitted October 21, 2023 at 11:43PM by Nofacegothgf

Whats better for defense against human (stream)

Bear spray or pepper spray

what works better on humans is bear less effective on humans or is it just legal bs so ppl dont harm attackers

Submitted October 21, 2023 at 03:55PM by somebitchygirl

Am I wrong here?


Submitted October 21, 2023 at 05:23AM by KvltFrag

Friday, October 20, 2023

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Michael Jai White Smith Machine

Does the Michael jai white workout of using a smith machine on curls and throwing the weight up at the top of concentric have any functional added value?

Submitted October 19, 2023 at 10:36PM by manofwater3615

Are strobe flashlights good for self defense?

Are strobe flashlights good for self defense? Or just a bright flashlight?

Any recommendations?

Submitted October 19, 2023 at 09:19PM by anders550

Being pursued by another vehicle.

I’ve had two instances this year in which someone has intentionally followed or chased me in a car.

Cliff Notes:

In the first case, a guy starts by blocking the road with his car, gets out and approaches my car. I drive around him, but he gets back in and starts to follow me. I was on the same road as my house and didn’t want him knowing where I lived. So, I pulled off into a parking lot, got out with something that resembled a bat, and pretty much told him to “bring it”. He sat there for a few seconds, but luckily pulled off.

The second case happed last week and was more aggressive. I pulled up to one of my properties and found two people parked/walking around. I asked what they were doing but was immediately met with an aggressive attitude after telling them to leave. Things escalated when he made a comment about “this is how people get fucked up”, so I exited my vehicle asking what he meant by that, and started approaching him. They get in their car and I get back in mine. However, they start following me (I intentionally circled a block to confirm) and they leaned out the window/yelling stuff at every interaction. I was near a police station, so made my way there and pulled up to a cop outside. I inform the cop of the situation, and they ask me to pull around and park around the building. Eventually, the cop comes around and informs me that they made contact with the driver, but had some BS excuse for letting them drive away.

I’m not looking to get into street fight, potentially stabbed, or be engaged with a firearm, so I attempted to leave both situations… However, I felt pretty helpless “fleeing” and having an aggressor intentionally behind my vehicle…

I’m struggling with what other options I had, and worry about other potential outcomes. Are we just supposed to fight? What options would you employ if placed in similar situations?

Submitted October 18, 2023 at 02:43PM by Numerous_Extreme3375

White Man with Pitbull Threatens Delivery Woman

Submitted October 19, 2023 at 03:04PM by wewewawa

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Best self-defense for extreme situations :

I acknowledge that people have diverse views on the best martial arts, but I believe they often fail to specify the situation. In many cases, these things occur like this: you obviously wish to subdue or incapacitate your opponent as swiftly as possible, by any means necessary. So what if the guy is taller and more muscular, and you want to take him down? Does striking self-defense work here, since we are not fighting for several rounds and I want to finish it quickly? In that scenario, which combat sport is the most effective to learn?

If weapons are not allowed.

Submitted October 18, 2023 at 11:28AM by Significant_Two_1502

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

{TIP} A Good Self Defense Method

So, There's This Thing Called Peracetic Acid, Which Can Not Kill or Severely Injure An Attacker, It Kind of Works Like Pepper Spray. It Causes Irritation To the Skin And Eyes If Applied. Peracetic Acid Is made By Mixing Hydrogen Peroxide And Vinegar. If You Mix These Chemicals In A Spray Bottle, It'll Create An Alternative To Pepper Spray.

Submitted October 17, 2023 at 04:42PM by SireSirol

Tendon/Ligament Strengthening

How do you strengthen tendons/ligaments? Is it the same method and is it permanent once you’ve strengthened/hardened? I ask because I read muscle growth happens very quick but tendon takes time so I’m wondering if I should strengthen tendons/ligaments first and then start to do hypertrophy/muscle growth.

Submitted October 17, 2023 at 02:06PM by manofwater3615

What's The Most Effective SD against A Machine Gun

I live in Israel they don't let civilians have guns here. What home use weapon is especially effective at killing terrorists potentially armed with machine guns (assuming you had the home turf and surprise advantage)?

Submitted October 17, 2023 at 10:22AM by MountainSalt6337

Monday, October 16, 2023

Conflict Resolution

Submitted October 17, 2023 at 12:05AM by rozsas-song

Best self-defense/weapons disarmament discipline?


Submitted October 16, 2023 at 12:26PM by privateusers

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Looking for a defensive martial art.

Im looking for a martial art to train in case I get in trouble, any advice??

Submitted October 15, 2023 at 04:24PM by Omlet_Yiyen_Dinazor

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Rights and safety when in a dead end

We are having kids smoking coming around parking in the dead end of my neighbors at night. How to deter them? My wife and I are too old to be going out there confronting strangers. I am not one to call police and spook kids being kids but I am close to doing so, not sure how to get rid of them. Should I look towards my neighborhood board? Please let me know! And if this is the wrong sub pls kindly point me to one that will better fit my question! Thank you!

Submitted October 14, 2023 at 08:12AM by ClientTypical7395

Friday, October 13, 2023

How learn striking defence but avoid head trauma?

I’d like to learn a self defence focused on striking. Purely for the ability to defend myself. I want to be confident in knowing that if I’m attacked, I can defend myself capably.

Ideally it would be boxing because imagine it truly trains you to see punches coming and how to move etc. But open to other.

The problem is that I don’t want to expose myself to the repetitive head trauma that people who do boxing get.

Is there any way to become really proficient at striking self defence without risking micro-head trauma?


Submitted October 13, 2023 at 05:17PM by Neanderthal888

Vehicle finder abused to track

How could someone use the vehicle finder to track someone? And how can that be safeguarded? If the person being tracked isn’t the primary owner of the vehicle/account, how would they even be alerted of this abuse?

Submitted October 13, 2023 at 04:14AM by Ok-Range5086

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Weapons of opportunity & self defense at a show

I've been planning for weeks to go to a show at the Hard Rock with my spouse tomorrow. With the call to jihad from Khalad Mashal/Hamas, he's nervous to be somewhere that's such a soft target, and frankly we should be better prepared regardless of terror threats. Online policy states they have walk through metal detectors and bags purses are subject to search. Any suggestions on search-safe weapons of opportunity I can stick in my purse for some peace of mind? Or other suggestions. I'm open to your thoughts.

Submitted October 12, 2023 at 05:34PM by Far_Estate_7244

Need to get fit enough to protect myself

I am 15 and my BMI is 18.4 My biceps are too weak to even do a single push up and to build biceps i need to do pishup as far as i know. So what should i do if i want to get strong just enough to protect myself ?

Submitted October 12, 2023 at 11:34AM by NotFered

Escaping Mount Vs Punching Opponent

Submitted October 12, 2023 at 09:16AM by EliKnight173

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Can I Use Deodorant At School?

TL;DR: Read the title.

My high school (highest year, England) has a dead-serious ban on ANYTHING that can be used for self-defense (knives (obviously), but even just scissors, pepper spray, your own fists, and even stationary that is too sharp), and it's fucking ridiculous. Every day I'm fucking horrified for my life because there is a possibility that I could get jumped. I'm weak as fucking hell and have zero interest in self-defense sports. The school doesn't seem to say anything about sprays other than pepper spray as self-defense, except for deodorant which is banned because it could induce asthma attacks (I would only apply deodorant away from others + this is the leading cause for why most people at school smell like fucking decaying shit).

But anyway, what would happen if I used deodorant against someone during the event of me getting jumped at school (in their eyes to cause disturbed vision and pain)? Yeah, deodorant could sometimes cause blindness if it goes into your eyes, but honestly, like, save yourself??? I wouldn't feel bullshit sympathy for anyone who decides to mess with me.

Submitted October 11, 2023 at 11:55AM by _hallzzz_

Monday, October 9, 2023

Here's a little story that might entertain you

At 15 i bought my own car, threw some 20" chrome rims on it, tinted the windows black all around, bought a woofer, amp and stare for 80$ at the swapmeet and smashed girls in the back seat.... i miss that car... silver grandmarquiz. Worked my ass off to buy it for 1,000$. I got shot in the stomach the same day i bought it while washing it lol. Came out of the hospital to my brand new car riddled with bullets... never got them patched up. I was 15 at the time, im 25 now. I came home excited i bought my first car..i felt like i was the king of the world! I started washing it i got to the hood when i noticed a black man standing behind a tree dressed all gangster just staring at me.. i was like "okay" *. i ignored it, i looked up again and he was gone i thought nothing of it.. a few moments later i heard a car engine coming closer and closer to me but i saw no headlights at all so i ignored it.. i heard the car engine get louder and closer so i finally looked up again... asoon as i looked up i saw a car with 4 black people in it right beside of me no more than 6 feet away, pointing guns at me... i made deep eye contact with one of them for a quick second before he blinked and started firing at me.. i froze... i felt the impact of every single round hit my torso.. i tgought to myself Fuck im dead this is it im going to die right here and now but the adrnaline kicked in i started running the fastest ive ever ran in my life meanwhile 3 people were shooting at me... to mu surprise i was only hit one time... i was hit in the back next to ny spine.. the bullet traveled to the front piercing 6 holes in my intestines... the bullet is longed under my left rib still, till this day i go to the hospital because of extreme pain i get when i get constipated. It couldve been worse tho... i coupdve been dead. I still see his face perfectly if i close my eyes to remember. Ill never forget his eyes. Im sure he'll never fe y my face too if he's still alive But yea lol sorry, the long story

Submitted October 09, 2023 at 09:28PM by Minimum-Function2609

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Boxing vs Muay Thai for dodging/blocking hits?

Obviously punching is an integral part of both boxing and muay thai, but between these two, which martial art has a greater emphasis on having quick reflexes and dodging or blocking punches?

If a person trained only in muay thai went up against a person trained only in boxing, and the rules said no kicking allowed (so muay thai guy can only punch), who wins the fight?

Submitted October 08, 2023 at 09:24PM by Lonely_Historian_409

i just found out my bully is asthmatic...

My bully is asthmatic. Is there any technique i can do to defend myself against him the next time he tries to mess with me?

Submitted October 08, 2023 at 04:16AM by martianweb

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Do y'all think this is justified? I say no

Submitted October 05, 2023 at 02:05PM by Equivalent_Ad6626

ESP brand collapsible batons?

Anyone had any experience w/ their hardened steel batons? A couple of very convinicing promotional videos are out there but they are obviously paid adverts and very conspicuosly biased. Anyone had any real world experience with them? Particularly in scenarios that would push the baton to it's durability limits eg. hitting an assailant hard or striking against glass while extended, etc.

Submitted October 05, 2023 at 01:23PM by chimpanbee

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Throwing someone in the air?

Submitted October 04, 2023 at 07:15PM by Beurkson

Tactics? Definition, research material, daily use.

I recently noticed that I have come across a wide usage of the term "tactics" in the self-defense world through the ages.

It is obvious that the term "tactics" in warfare is different than "tactics" in sports or "tactics" in CQB small units or personal "tactics" in unarmed combat.

The term has "infiltrated" the civilian world and thus many many people use it in the self-defense world as reference to a wide variety of things: strategies, movement, offensive and defensive maneuvers, etc. Imho there are many cases where people should not say "tactics" when they mean something else.

Do you have a certain definition of "tactics" in mind? There could be major differences; "tactics" regarding armed combat, "tactics" in 1v1 situations or multiple attackers scenarios, etc.

Do you have any study material on the theoretical part you could share, please?

How do you, your niche, your system or your instructors use the term? Can you come up with a better word to better describe what's on your mind?

Submitted October 04, 2023 at 03:40PM by theopresent

Is a bull whip good for self defense?

It seems good in theory (non lethal, intimidating, good range) but I don't want to carry one and when I need to use it to find out it's utterly useless.

It's main weakness would be that it works best when the attacker is a certain distance away and you need a lot of space to use it effectively, if they come closer or you're in a alleyway it becomes a weakness but that is in the case where a person isn't affected by the intimidation factor which is quite unlikely, you could also use the other end as a pummel if worse comes to worse.

Also what's the ideal length?

Submitted October 04, 2023 at 02:55PM by kingdisasterYT

The Worst Mistake You Can Make In A Fistfight

I am always amazed when people either turn their back in a fight, or just sit there on fiddling on their phone or looking in a different direction when someone is in their face being hostile. Get your hands up and start making space otherwise you find yourself in positions like this.

watch here

Submitted June 20, 2023 at 09:35AM by Heiny90

Pepper spray questions

I have some questions on pepper spray. I'm mostly looking at sabre products, as they seem pretty highly regarded.

Can I leave pepper spray in a car through the temp swings in the midwest? Or will this cause issues?

Generally how long is the expiration?

If space/weight isnt a concern, is there any reason not to get bear spray?

Submitted October 04, 2023 at 10:19AM by hereforthelol1234

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

GBRS Group - CQB Angles & Thresholds

Submitted October 03, 2023 at 04:27PM by justgrunty

[Got Assaulted] something is bothering me a lot

I got assaulted a few days ago by a petite woman maybe around my height but doesnt come anywhere close to my fitness level. I'm only 5' 6" and 120 lbs but former combat engineer in the Marine Corps and generally was a "knock around guy".

My mistake was not clocking her as a threat at all until i saw a weapon. she popped me in the mouth full force with both feet planted and (i didnt know at the time) chipped an incisor. I rightfully didnt consider her a threat since she didnt move me when she patty caked my face full force.

base lesson here: as soon as someone covers an exit the fight is on and that person is an enemy combatant.

but the niggling question is this, what the hell are you to do when the human equivilant of a yorkshire terrier (petite woman or child) comes at you all aggressive.

this encounter felt like being in a car, getting car keyed and pondering whether I wanted to mow her down with the gas pedal. I wanted to choke slam her (and the impression i got from dispatchers and officers gave me an impression that i could get away with that), but I just stuck around at a safe distance and recorded her coming back to the store to start more shit on film to give evidence and identifying images to police.

anyways, when exit blocked fight is on, and people that you think are harmless can actually do harm FUCK that societal perception of a buff man brutalizing a woman in public being negative. This is driving me mad and i am having a hard time believing in the progressive social equality bullshit where people say a man shouldnt hurt a woman in any circumstance when unarmed and stereotypical size difference exists.

and if anyone is going to have issue with this post, no, i didnt do anything to her, i refused to buy her beer in my own autistic shy socially awkward way and put my foot all the way down too late. And after I was struck I just locked eyes with her contemplating whether I was going to choke slam her, put my fist through her neck, put her in a chokehold until she passed out, or sit on her sternum until police got there, occassionally popping her in the face like whackamoler to keep the fight out of her or straight killing her by gouging her eyes out. If I knew my teeth got chipped when calculating what to do before she left, I might have gone ahead and dragged her back inside, forced her to the ground to break her striking arm with an arm bar. But was mainly waiting for a second strike or a weapon, either one would have allowed me to send her to the ER.

but she was a petite black woman and im a much more subtantial asian man. I wasnt going to end up like Daniel Penny because a michael jackson lookalike was instigating me and I go full fucking dorm room mcmap on her ass and take her life. this liberal town in the pnw would probably riot this week over that.

i know i prob sound like a little bitch rn, but its really bothering me and i wish i can get some moral support or some discussion about this. how do you maintain good PR and properly defend yourself, so you dont need to see the teeth store about your chompers because the attacker is a crazy lapdog of a human being.

edit: I've been on a journey with buddhist lit and meditation for a few years now and this goddamn hoodrat ruined that a little for me. as Dr. Dre said, keep fucking around with me and I might turn back to the old futurerotorhead.

Submitted October 03, 2023 at 11:37AM by FutureRotorhead