Wednesday, December 13, 2023

advice for self-defence practice at home

Last night I was accosted by a man on drugs who threatened to throw me on the train tracks (not great to hear when you are at a train station lol) and assault me. I am a short woman and realised very quickly that he would easily overpower me. Although I was okay because my train arrived and the onboard guard interfered, with how close and aggressive the man got I'm certain I would have gotten seriously injured without the guard being there.

I understand that because of my stature, I couldn’t feasibly take someone on in a fight and win, I am going to work on my physical fitness and sprinting ability, however, I do want to learn some self-defence, that in a situation like yesterday where I might get attacked and they are too close for me to run away.

I’m looking into Krav Maga classes near me and will now carry a tactical torch as I live in Australia and it’s illegal to carry actual self-defence tools.

I live with my dad and was going to ask him to practice grappling or chasing or something similar to a situation I might be in. If anyone has any videos, they think might be helpful for us to simulate, or just advice in general that would be awesome.

Thanks guys

Submitted December 11, 2023 at 09:34PM by AccomplishedUsual157

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