Thursday, December 28, 2023

Personal Alarm w/ GPS locator and Police Response?

Sorry if this is hard to read and/or I break rules, my english is not perfect

I know there are various cheapy keyring like self-defense like items like pepper spray that, when used, alerts your emergency contacts via the Bluetooth in your phone. I've seen some similar products where is a personal alarm instead of pepper spray, that similarly alerts your emergency contacts your are in trouble and provides your GPS location so they can help alert police or whatever to your location.

However, is there some product like this, BUT it also directly immediately notifies the police to your location and tells them to go to your location? Basically like an adult "life alert" that works outside of the home and/or is for working adults in a city (rather than 65+ elderly adults and only works on wifi or something in ones house or nusing home)?

I assume there must be some kind of product like this, but have not been able to find one. I know there are plenty of products (whether pepper spray + locator combo, or personal alarm + locator combo), where if you press the button, it will alert some intermediary (i.e., personal contact friend or family, or for something like life alert, I guess a private center call company), but is there any product that just directly alerts police?

I realize some might think the distinction is not a big deal, but I ask because based on what I've found, the available products either: 1) alert an intermediary call center, but its like a $20 a mo subscription service (expensive); or 2) alert a family member or friend, but unfortunately my close contacts can be slow to check their phones and so it might take them too long to contact police on my behalf. I understand the need for an intermediary for something like life alert, because that is mainly for 65+ use for those at the home and so the emergency could be any number of things, whether fall/injury (ambulance), home fire (fire deptartment), or break in (police). But for a personal alarm you have on your keyring in a dangerous city, is there one that just goes straight to police if you got robbed or attacked or something?

Note I am in a city where other self defense options are not really viable or allowed. So best and realistically only viable option would likely just be some personal alarm + locator device, this "working adult life alert" as I call it haha - asking this community to see if there are any such products that just contact police in your area directly, but maybe none such product exists because maybe police depts have rules forbidding products that directly contact them w/o an intermediary (as I can understand how it would lead to a lot of false alarms where someone accidentaly presses the button, jamming their phone lines and preventing them from responding to serious emergencies.

Submitted December 28, 2023 at 01:08PM by CovidQuestion33

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