Sunday, December 17, 2023

What self defense style should I try (sf Bay Area)

Hi all,

I’m a 5’0” 21 year old girl who is tired of feeling so scared whenever I leave my home. I keep passing up opportunities I want (dates, festivals, study abroad, etc) because I am too afraid to be in a new place all on my own, worried that something terrible will happen and I have no way of defending myself.

What self defense style or martial arts should I train in to feel more confidence in my ability to protect myself while living life?

I have ZERO experience with self defense/martial arts but I am athletic and a hard worker. Looking for something I can start off doing 2 days/week and increase if I’m enjoying it. I also appreciate anyone who can suggest gyms to go to in the sf Bay Area to train.

Submitted December 17, 2023 at 08:51PM by Positive_Practice_23

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