Thursday, October 19, 2023

Being pursued by another vehicle.

I’ve had two instances this year in which someone has intentionally followed or chased me in a car.

Cliff Notes:

In the first case, a guy starts by blocking the road with his car, gets out and approaches my car. I drive around him, but he gets back in and starts to follow me. I was on the same road as my house and didn’t want him knowing where I lived. So, I pulled off into a parking lot, got out with something that resembled a bat, and pretty much told him to “bring it”. He sat there for a few seconds, but luckily pulled off.

The second case happed last week and was more aggressive. I pulled up to one of my properties and found two people parked/walking around. I asked what they were doing but was immediately met with an aggressive attitude after telling them to leave. Things escalated when he made a comment about “this is how people get fucked up”, so I exited my vehicle asking what he meant by that, and started approaching him. They get in their car and I get back in mine. However, they start following me (I intentionally circled a block to confirm) and they leaned out the window/yelling stuff at every interaction. I was near a police station, so made my way there and pulled up to a cop outside. I inform the cop of the situation, and they ask me to pull around and park around the building. Eventually, the cop comes around and informs me that they made contact with the driver, but had some BS excuse for letting them drive away.

I’m not looking to get into street fight, potentially stabbed, or be engaged with a firearm, so I attempted to leave both situations… However, I felt pretty helpless “fleeing” and having an aggressor intentionally behind my vehicle…

I’m struggling with what other options I had, and worry about other potential outcomes. Are we just supposed to fight? What options would you employ if placed in similar situations?

Submitted October 18, 2023 at 02:43PM by Numerous_Extreme3375

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