Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Can you explain this feeling during a fight?

I was play fighting with my friend today, and he started approaching me aggressively. For some reason, instead of strategizing and thinking of a plan or counter, my brain just went 'fuck fuck fuck' and I just slowly backed away, closed my eyes, and put my arm in front of me. What is this called and how do you deal with it? This also happens when my friend throws a Hulk-smash haymaker, I have a good second or two to react but I just look away like he's the Sun, my body tenses up and I just brace for impact. On the other hand, if I'm alert, I feel like I could react better to quicker and more sudden attacks. Can that be explained too?

Submitted December 06, 2023 at 09:07PM by KingMaximusOfCamelot

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