Sunday, December 3, 2023

Protecting Valuable Property

Hopefully I've come to the right subreddit. I am a college student taking courses within a big city in southern USA. A lot of my work and personality involves very expensive equipment such as drones, computers, camera equipment as well as many expensive personal items that I keep with me where ever I am staying. Over the last year I have grown a huge concern over the possibility of theft. I'm currently staying in a student dorm which has many securities measures established, giving me peace of mind for now (I am already a nut for locking absolutely everything when I leave), however, I feel whenever I am transporting my things I become a prime target for robbery as I'm seen carrying a lot of black cases and bags. I think I'm not taking all the preventative measures against theft and I'm not sure what elso to do. My question is: How do I go about defending myself and my property outside of my home and what preventative measures should I incorporate? Thanks!

Submitted December 04, 2023 at 01:05AM by Fearless_Tap1241

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