Friday, December 15, 2023

Self defense weapons

What is an effective but not deadly self defense weapon you would recommend? One that I could distribute a bunch of for free through a women's program at a college campus, so a Keychain that wouldn't get anyone kicked out of school. I'm taking a self defense class next month at the police department. It's called RAD, Rape Agression Defense, and is 12hrs over 4 meetings. I'm feeling empowered already just by facing my fears and signing up. I want to pass on a little empowerment to other women but...I don't want this to blow up in my face if it's actually a terrible idea. What would be a good and safe way to encompass the general spirit of what I'm trying to do?

I personally already carry a mace that dyes the attacker's face hot pink, and a pink steel skull that you wear like brass knuckles, except it's kind of sharp. The guy said he made one originally for his daughter, and it's not for punching, it's for tearing. My veteran brother recommended a monkey fist. What do you guys think?

Submitted December 15, 2023 at 04:30PM by ExoticNToxic

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