Friday, November 17, 2023

Minimum amount of striking training to be worth it

I train BJJ and would fall back on that training if I ever needed to defend myself... BUT I do recognize the need to know how to strike.

My gym offers Muay Thai classes but I would have to pay more per month to have access to those. I found a pretty reputable boxing gym not to far from me that offers a package of six classes for $160. So I was thinking of taking one boxing a class a month just to learn how to throw a punch, how to defend, head movement, etc.

The only problem is that I would like to spar, and the boxing gym requires coach approval to get in the ring. I doubt going once a month would ever give me that opportunity.

Advice? Should I just bite the bullet and do the Muay Thai at my gym?

Submitted November 17, 2023 at 11:29PM by MontisQ

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