Monday, October 9, 2023

Here's a little story that might entertain you

At 15 i bought my own car, threw some 20" chrome rims on it, tinted the windows black all around, bought a woofer, amp and stare for 80$ at the swapmeet and smashed girls in the back seat.... i miss that car... silver grandmarquiz. Worked my ass off to buy it for 1,000$. I got shot in the stomach the same day i bought it while washing it lol. Came out of the hospital to my brand new car riddled with bullets... never got them patched up. I was 15 at the time, im 25 now. I came home excited i bought my first car..i felt like i was the king of the world! I started washing it i got to the hood when i noticed a black man standing behind a tree dressed all gangster just staring at me.. i was like "okay" *. i ignored it, i looked up again and he was gone i thought nothing of it.. a few moments later i heard a car engine coming closer and closer to me but i saw no headlights at all so i ignored it.. i heard the car engine get louder and closer so i finally looked up again... asoon as i looked up i saw a car with 4 black people in it right beside of me no more than 6 feet away, pointing guns at me... i made deep eye contact with one of them for a quick second before he blinked and started firing at me.. i froze... i felt the impact of every single round hit my torso.. i tgought to myself Fuck im dead this is it im going to die right here and now but the adrnaline kicked in i started running the fastest ive ever ran in my life meanwhile 3 people were shooting at me... to mu surprise i was only hit one time... i was hit in the back next to ny spine.. the bullet traveled to the front piercing 6 holes in my intestines... the bullet is longed under my left rib still, till this day i go to the hospital because of extreme pain i get when i get constipated. It couldve been worse tho... i coupdve been dead. I still see his face perfectly if i close my eyes to remember. Ill never forget his eyes. Im sure he'll never fe y my face too if he's still alive But yea lol sorry, the long story

Submitted October 09, 2023 at 09:28PM by Minimum-Function2609

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