Tuesday, December 5, 2023

testicle defense

Many years ago I was jumped by 3 people outside a bar/club. I didn't know why they were attacking me, and I was too drunk to run away so I just tucked my chin and took shots to my forehead / crown and periodically pushed them away. None of them were that much bigger than me, and since they were only punching, I figured they'd just stop after a bit and go away, which they eventually did.

But before they stopped, one guy took careful aim and kicked me straight in the balls. I thought I was in for a rough night, but to my surprise I felt no pain at all. Not even the day after, though my head hurt somewhat (a bag of ice to the head cleared me up in a couple hours).

I figure I avoided any injury since my balls were probably partway retracted into my body due to the stress of the situation. Which got me wondering - could this response be trained? Some light Googling showed that Kegel exercises strengthens the muscles involved (cremaster muscles), and the workout seems to be effective - easy to do and helpful against strikes and grabs.

Has anyone else had a similar experience / conclusion?


Got kicked in the balls, felt no pain, did research, found that Kegel exercises strengthen the cremaster muscles which pull the testicles upward when activated.

Submitted December 05, 2023 at 05:14PM by Shiv888 https://ift.tt/JVCBKcR

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