Sunday, December 3, 2023

How to defend myself when alone with my toddler?

I live in a rural area with crime and homelessness problem. For the first time in my life, I do not feel safe when I’m alone in my neighborhood.

Also I seem to attract attention from (literally) psychotic people. I’ve had a stranger grab my shoulders and try to shove me into traffic while I was crossing an intersection. Not once, not twice, but THREE time strange men have tried to force themselves into my car.

Recently I was home alone w my son and a guy was in our driveway taking photos of the house. Maybe he was harmless (??) but he bolted as soon as he saw me looking at him.

Then there was a woman convinced I was the devil and she threatened to hit me while I was walking with my son in my arms. All I could do was shift my body so I was between her and my son, and i sternly said “No” and kept walking. I have no idea what I would have done if she actually got violent.

I don’t know what it is. I don’t engage with these people, I “walk with purpose”, etc.

Anyway totally rambling but tonight I had to call 911 for a downed sparking power line and I was on hold for 3 minutes before I even spoke to dispatch. It made me realize if there was ever a true emergency while I was home, I’d be screwed bc it would take so long for anyone to get here.

Anyway. Not to sound paranoid but I am worried about not being prepared if someone broke in or followed us home. A gun is not an option at the moment until I can get my husband on board w keeping one in the house. I am 5’2” and alone w the baby 80% of the time, he is 6’5” and has never dealt w/ the kind of weird encounters I’ve had.

Anyone have practical steps I can take to feel safer in my own home and neighborhood? Taser? Pepper spray….?? Also any advice for easing my hubby’s anxieties about keeping a gun in the house? Thank you.

Submitted December 03, 2023 at 05:29AM by mariah808

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