Sunday, November 20, 2016

Newbie looking for suggestions

To start I'm from Mississippi a state that allows limited concealed carry without a permit. I can carry in my car or in a backpack/briefcase without a permit. Additionally I'm not new to firearms and I carry today in that limited capacity. In addition to my long guns I own a Taurus Millennium G2 9mm that I've been known to put into a backpack while camping and hiking, or in my briefcase. The reason I'm headed to permit land though stems from a recent conversation with my wife. I always let her know when I have the handgun on me, and lately I've felt the need to put it into the car during routine errands. I'll let her know it's in the glovebox every time. She asked me the other day why I was doing that more recently and we discussed my concerns and all in all the conversation was positive (she's familiar with the gun too and practices with it often), she just wanted to know. Ultimately I said "what good is it doing us at home" and she replied "it only does us any good now if we can make it back to the car". Point taken. So we agreed to go through the process together getting our standard CCW first, then the enhanced endorsement sometime later next year. For those unfamiliar with MS law: the standard permit would allow me to carry to all the places I can now but on my actual person, and the enhanced endorsement allows me to carry basically anywhere not prohibited by federal law.Ok with that out of the way: I have friends who have their CCW and I've been talking to them and seeing their techniques. I think I'm a fan of the inside the waistband above the wallet/center back carry. What are Reddit's thoughts on that carry?The MG2 feels bulky in most places I've tucked it to test it out so I'm buying a new weapon. I'll let my wife carry it in her purse. I've been looking and I REALLY like the beretta storm .40 subcompact. It feels like a full sized gun but also thinner and smaller then my current weapon. What are Reddit's thoughts on that gun as a concealed carry? Anyone have any other recommendations on something that doesn't feel like a tiny gun but still feels easy to conceal?I've got a friend who swears by the QuickDraw clips mounted on the side of all his guns. I've never owned an inside the waistband holster (never been permitted to carry that way) and I worry they'll feel bulky. So the clip is appealing in that sense, on the other hand it feels 1: dangerous and 2: like it will be in the way of the mechanics of the weapon (safety, slide release, tear down pin, ect). Ideally I want something that can transition from the glovebox to my person easily should I stop to help a stranded motorist.Any other recommendations/ tips for someone making my transition? via /r/CCW

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