Sunday, November 27, 2016

Defending against 90 lb dog

TLDR: our yorkie (male) was attacked by German Shepard (female) (ours is fixed, not sure about GSD). He's ok. I got cut protecting him. I usually walk our yorkie alone. Willing to do anything to protect our dog and myself from this untrained, unsupervised GSD. What do y'all recommend? Note that GSD was lumbering over yorkie so attacking her legs would be difficult without potentially hurting our dog. The GSD is well over half my body weight if that matters. I usually carry mace but was with husband who carries a knife. He pulled the dog off us.

Full story in case you're bored: Yesterday husband and I were walking our dogs. I had our 6lb yorkie on leash and a neighbor's ~90 lb GSD came over. The yorkie loves bigger dogs (best friend's dog is >130lbs and her dog and our yorkie love each other). Neighbor's dog has always been fine with me so I let them interact since I was right there. Never doing that again. GSD sniffed then attempted to attack the yorkie. I kicked and shoved the GSD and, as much as I really did want to hurt the attacking GSD, she was over our yorkie and I didn't want to hurt him. Every time I got space to pick him up, she jumped on me. My husband was 10' ahead carrying our other rescue• He secured our other pup and ran back to pull the GSD off the yorkie and me. This all happened in probably less than 40 seconds but felt like forever because he's my baby. Other than a slice on my thigh (didn't notice for a hot minute because of adrenaline) and the yorkie panting for 15 mins, we're fine. Neighbors never leash their dog and the husband laughed when we told him what had just happened and how I had been kicking their dog saying he's kicked the dog before when she wouldn't listen to him. They weren't even outside when it happened despite their dog being out and unleashed! They put the GSD inside their porch until we got inside our house then let her back out still sans leash and even played fetch with her, throwing the frisbee 5' from the start of our yard.

My husband does not want me to call animal control and I agree (for now) as wife works for the "government" of our tiny town and the husband is a well-known fire fighter in our county.

•other dog came from an abuse situation and can't walk far so I only walk the yorkie unless I'm with my husband.

Submitted November 27, 2016 at 05:20AM by ohfluffit

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