Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Received StealthGear Revolution IWB For G19 Yesterday

I ordered it on Amazon on the 22nd and got it yesterday. I was pretty excited, as people have been raving about StealthGear and their new lineup.For my G19, I've been using AG 3.0 IWB holster. I've had no issues, holster does it's job, conceals well and is comfortable, good retention. The downside was wearing it all day in warm/hot days. Luckily cleaning it is pretty easy, getting the stink out. But it created a hotspot on my right hip, in the summer. I bought a Shield9 for summer carry, or when certain attire requires a smaller pistol. I have Vedder LightTuck/MagTuck for that pistol and it's great.I open the package and everything was in a nice plastic bag, the holster felt really light and everything looked like good quality. One thing I did notice off the bat however, was how tight the shell was to the backing. I was thinking... no way will the pistol go into the holster. I grabbed the G19, made it safe and tried to insert it into the holster. It would not go in, after torturing it for few seconds and giving it one last push, the slide went back, I knew the retention from factory was too tight, no biggie. Get out the screw driver and long story short, I really had to loosen the screws. This was before I even put it on. I decide to finally put it on and then try to holster the pistol, I had some difficulty getting it in (that's what she said?). So I remove the holster and completely loosen the screws until they're pretty much off. Slowly tightening, making small adjustments. Put holster on and found the right retention. Although I still have to push it into my body a bit still, to holster, it's a lot better. Just have to watch out and eventually put loctite so the screws don't come out, since they're not all the way in and probably only holding on by a few threads. I'm a big guy, 5'11 and 272lbs (and losing more!). So more than likely this issue is related to my body type and the fact that this holster is very flexible.After wearing it around the house and eventually out for errands, I found it to be extremely comfortable. It retains NO heat. It doesn't feel like anything is there, but every so often as you move, you know it's there cause of the belt holding it agaisnt your body. It's also very quiet, haven't heard it make a noise yet. I found it to be really comfortable sitting in the car. Looking forward to having this holster for the summer. Might even pick one up for my Shield to have as a second holster. I'll still be wearing my AG every so often, probably on days when I need to reholster multiple times, as so far it's easier (Thanks IL).I got this holster on sale, $50.15 shipped. I bought my AG 3.0 IWB beginning of the year for $52.83 shipped. I would honestly still buy both and have no regrets. Personally, instead of buying StealthGear Ventcore for $99, I would get the SGRevolution IWB AND AG 3.0 IWB, for roughly $13 more. One that is very breathable and comfortable and one is that comfortable, can use to rotate or have as a backup. In cold weather, AG really isn't an issue anyways, since it's cold lol, so if anything can help with retaining some of that heat.Today I also shipped my AG shell for my G19, to get their new shell for the G19. Supposed to improve the functionality and looks better.TL;DR- Great holster, from factory retention was way too tight, had to make adjustments. Very comfortable, retains no heat, can't really feel it agaisnt the body. Very light and thin. Makes no noise.Pic: http://ift.tt/2gCeJBF via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2fI46sE

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