Saturday, November 26, 2016

Curious what folks' thoughts are on keeping most of your guns to one caliber

Most of the handguns in my household are 9mm, the only exceptions being the LCP (.380/9mm short) and my Kimber Ultra Carry II (.45 ACP).Now that I'm getting back into carrying regularly, it's becoming clear that there are an enormous number of single-stack compact pistols available compared to when I last carried regularly.My husband has gently suggested that if I'm thinking of a new carry gun, selling the Kimber wouldn't be a bad way to fund it. Yes, part of that is him feeling like the Kimber doesn't do us much good if I'm carrying something else anyway, but another part is that he has long wanted as many of our actual defensive guns (vs range toys) as possible to use interchangeable ammunition. He makes an exception for the LCP since a summer pocket gun is useful when you live in a beach town, and when we bought it .380 was the only option other than .22 in that size range (also, we both hate it).Is this something anyone else gives two shits about? I can totally see his argument, but it's not something I've ever asked anyone about. via /r/CCW

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