Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Almost had to draw my weapon on someone with a CCW today.

Here's the quick and dirty:Happened about 30 min ago at a local grocery store. I was driving my car and stopped at a pedestrian crossing. There was nobody there so I began to drive through it, and saw a woman and her kids beginning to approach the crosswalk as I was almost all the way through. I didn't think much of it and parked my car.She confronted me and said that I was supposed to stop earlier. I asked her if she approached the walkway while my car was still stopped, and she said no. I said goodbye. She called me an asshole. I told her to enjoy the rest of her day. Done deal, right? Wrong.As I was leaving I was approached by her husband. The man wildly accused me of almost running over his children, as well as yelling profanities at his spouse. I told him that his claims were utter nonsense. He got very worked up and began to talk over me, so I politely asked him to hear me out. He replied with, "Hey man, I have a CCW. Crazy world out here and I'm ready to squeeze."I told him that a CCW didn't give him the right to be coercive. I also told him not to assume that everyone around him was disarmed. For a split second, I knew that there was a chance that I would have to shoot a man in front of his wife and children.He said, "N**** you better back that up ASAP." I said, "Do you really have a gun on you?" This idiot actually affirmed the notion that he had his weapon on him, inside a gun free zone. I decided to rat him out and yelled at the top of my lungs that this madman had a gun and said he was ready to squeeze the trigger. People were freaking out, all while I told them to call 911.Safe to say, it worked. That jackass tried to get to his kids and push their shopping cart inside the store. By the time I called 911, another two people reported the incident and the dispatcher told me that LEOs were already on their way. I am unsure as to what happened next, as I left the store immediately and went home. I sincerely hope his permit gets revoked--at the very least.Moral of the story: Your CCW is not an argumentative tool used for intimidation. Your CCW is a last ditch option for a defensive encounter. I know the majority of us know that, but there are some that deserve to have their permits revoked. I'm sure this bully wasn't expecting his "victim" to have a weapon as well, but hey, it's a "crazy world out here."Be safe. via /r/CCW

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