Saturday, November 26, 2016

Had a confrontation tonight

It's worth it, please readI met some friends at a bar. I decided to keep my gun on me and not drink more than 2 beers because I felt like something was off; idk why, just a feeling. Friends decided they wanted to step outside to smoke a cigarette. I decided to step out with them to continue the conversation. A minute later a man comes out and opens the door hitting one of my buddies. My buddy plays it off and eventually offers the guy a cigarette just to be nice.This is where things got weird. The guy but declines the cigarette and joins our group conversation only to start to be a dick. He says "I'm a bouncer at a bar. I could hit you (pointing to one friend), I could hit you (pointing to me) and then I'll hit you (pointing to the other friend)." We think he's just drunk and slightly kidding and just brush it off. Next thing we knew, he had punched the first friend and pushed him back into the glass door. The glass broke. He then looked at me. I put my hand out (like a stiff arm) and said "woah woah woah, back off" and continued trying to de-escalate. The guy started coming at me. I told him "don't come any closer" and turned and put my hand on my hip just in case. I didn't brandish or anything. It was very subtle. By this time a few other people saw what was happening and stepped in. The cops were called. The guy ran and sped away before the cops got there.I work in the legal system, I carry a gun , and I've been through extensive training with my gun. I was taught to draw in a fight situation like that (because 1 landed punch is enough) but I didn't. I felt the situation out and decided not to.I'm not sure how things would have gone had I drawn but things worked out. My point is that sometimes you're in a situation you've never prepared for physically or mentally and that the best survival tool you have is your head. via /r/CCW

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