Tuesday, November 29, 2016

First LEO Encounter

So I'm a server at a pretty casual pizza place in my hometown, and tonight for the first time, I served a uniformed police officer. Although against the restaurant policy, I carry.I live in a constitutional carry state with duty to inform laws. Upon seeing him and a lady sitting at a table in my section, I immediately thought about whether or not I had the responsibility to inform this officer having lunch that I'm carrying a concealed firearm. I reviewed my state's laws regarding duty to inform on my phone then texted my father who is my go-to when things are beyond my reasoning. From that and our conversation, I decided it was not legally required but not a bad idea.I approached the table, introduced myself, gave my server shpeel, and told the officer, "I realize this isn't an official police interaction, but you being in uniform, us having this interaction, and knowing our state's laws, I felt it to be the right thing to do to tell you I'm carrying a concealed firearm."He nodded and said if I didn't draw mine, he wouldn't draw his, and that he could probably get to his faster than I can mine with a laugh at the end. I told him he was probably right and went on with his lunch.I was sure to keep my hands visible the whole time and went out of my to not approach him from behind. My restaurant does a military discount, but I was more than happy to apply it to his tab, which he was thankful for. Good tipper, too!I've never had an issue speaking with police officers, but this was a new one for me. I was shaky before, during, and after all of what I just described, and almost messed up their order.I'm thankful for this positive encounter, as I know it's not always the case. My question to you is that if this happens again, should this be the pattern I should follow? Any other lessons to be learned that I might have glanced over? via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2fPrqIf

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