Monday, October 3, 2016

Thoughts on carrying on college campuses

I'm a college student with a current ccw license. I go to school in a not so good part of town and it's also a public campus so anyone can step foot on campus, that includes anyone in the not so good surrounding area. I get constant emails from the campus police about armed robberies of college students. I don't carry on campus, I am allowed to keep my firearm in my car but as many of you know it doesn't do anyone much good being locked away in a car so I don't do that either. I just want to know what everyone has to think about being able to carry on a college campus as a legal concealed carry license holder. This isn't just for me but for other college campuses as well. Just what are your thoughts on the idea of having college students with their ccw being allowed to carry on their public college campus?Thanks. via /r/CCW

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