Monday, October 3, 2016

A great reminder from my Texas LTC instructor.

I just moved from VA to TX, and took my LTC class on Saturday. My instructor was talking about how clean and upright CCW people are. He showed data showing that <1% of almost all crimes in Texas are committed by LTC holders. He said something that really fascinated me. I can't give the exact quote, but I'll paraphrase.When an officer pulls an LTC holder over, he knows its going to be a good stop. Despite knowing you have a gun, he can feel safe. He knows that you have no felonies, he knows you have <2 DUIs, he knows you have no major misdemeanors in the last five years, he knows you care enough to take the time to get a license and act within the law, and he knows you have passed multiple background checks.I see so many posts on this sub about interactions between LEOs and CCW people. Almost always, the interaction is professional and positive, and they rarely get a ticket. Its sort of odd, since you'd think that knowing the person you are pulling over is armed would put you more on your guard, but the opposite is true.To me, its evidence of the "idea" that bad guys, not guns, are the issue. In a court of law, a LEO would be considered and expert, and they demonstrate by their actions that they are comfortable interacting with CCW holders. This is proof that people who take the time to act within the law can be trusted. No one gets a permit with the intent to misbehave.I think this fact should be a point of great pride to us, but also a caution. Reputation is hard to build and easy to loose. To whom much is given, much is required. We must keep vigilant, not only to be effective in our self-defense, but also to keep our records clean. via /r/CCW

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