Sunday, October 30, 2016

Going on a road trip with some buddies, one of which has had a run in with suicidal issues in the past, need advice.

This friend about 7 months ago turned himself in at a police station saying he was feeling suicidal, turns out he had just switched anti-depressant meds but nonetheless they brought him to a mental hospital and had him stay there for 48 hours. I have been a bit nervous about having him around guns ever since, especially since he had literally asked me that day how to buy a gun and I, unknowing that he was having suicidal thoughts, told him about it.I will absolutely be carrying during this road trip and we're all going to be sharing a hotel room together for a night. He should be packing his medication and whatnot but in the rare instance somehow he has those thoughts again, I don't want to have any of my firearms accessible to him. Should I sleep with my gun strapped on? I would normally consider a lockbox however the area we are sleeping in is a bit rough, and I would like to have my CCW accessible to me. Should I change my method of carry to maybe crotch carry for the trip to make it less accessible should he try to reach for it?He's a very good and old friend of mine so not bringing him on the road trip isn't really an option at this point, but I just want to make sure I'm taking any proper precautions necessary. I really don't think any of this will happen because he has been sane while on his meds, but this could technically be a life/death situation if he knows where my CCW is and suddenly has those thoughts pop up in his head again. via /r/CCW

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