Thursday, October 27, 2016

With all this Disney stuff going on I want to share how I feel and WHAT I SAW.

I live right outside of Disney and have many friends who treat me to days at the park as an employee guest. As a long time carrier I abhor metal detectors because I'm a permitted law abiding citizen. How can Disney make me give up my 2A right to walk around a park? Everyone one screams PRIVATE PROPERTY. And I just hang my head. Is Disney really private property? How can a machine like Disney see MILLIONS of people on a regular basis and still be considered "private?" I see Disney ads begging for you to come and spend your money there every second of the day. They're literally inviting you to their parks. That doesn't sound so "private" to me. They want it both ways. All the benefits and protections of privacy with all the money from the public. We need to challenge that. Now on to what I saw...When I was going through security with my GF, surprise! surprise! I was randomly selected for a metal detector screening. Crew cut hair, Cargo shorts and 5.11 belt. I must fit a criminal profile... Anyway my GF wasn't selected. So I empty out (not carrying) and go through the metal detector. Wouldn't you know it, I was unarmed and no longer a "threat." They let me on my way. But my girlfriend was not at the metal detector section yet from the bag check. (I walked through since I had no bags) She was also not selected. There I stood just waiting for her to make her way through the crowd to me.Here's where the fun starts. A woman who just had her hiking style backpack ripped to shreds and put back together again was walking from the bag check with her husband and child. All of a sudden she was approached by a Disney goon who asked her to go through the metal detector for random screening. This isn't the bad part. What's next is. She sighs and groans out "finneeeeee." She then reaches into her back pockets (hiking style cargo shorts) and pulls out a wrapped up park map (unusually blocky not foldable like you'd expect a cheap map to be), a wallet and keys and hands them behind the large back park and out of sight to the goon, to her husband. Who immediately precedes to the ticket gate with their child no further words exchanged. She clears the detection just fine and walked away not sharing any words at all with the guards.I was dumbfounded. Anything could have been and can continue to be brought in with a "hand off" system through Disney's shotty "security." We're not safe there. If someone wants a gun in that park they'll get it. Disney needs to be challenged legally. Until then I can't visit Disney without feeling an odd sense of nervousness and that same nervousness is starting to make its way into to locals and tourists alike. Don't even get me started on Universal...TL/DR: Lady could have and may have easily sneaked a gun into Disney with little effort while STILL going through a metal detector. via /r/CCW

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