Wednesday, October 26, 2016

My Neighbor Might Have A Stalker

As I was leaving for work yesterday, I carried my lunch and computer out to my car. As I exited the apartment building I noticed a car I hadn't seen before sitting across the street, running. The driver had his window down and was clearly watching my building.I live in a quadplex and the other 3 Tennant's are female. My gut told me something wasn't right. The girl below me has been receiving odd gifts from 1800flowers that to me seem "textbook" from a stalker. Several times in the past couple weeks, flowers, bears, cards saying sorry (I don't snoop, but I walk past them on the stairs almost every other day). It's already a situation that has me maintaining a heightened level of awareness around my home.I feel so stupid, I didn't have my gun as I often don't take it to work as I can't carry there. I put my stuff in my car and went back in for my gun, keeping a close eye on on the car. The driver was now watching me. As I returned to my building, I waved in a big exaggerated manner making sure the driver knew I saw him. I have a description of both driver and car, but no plate number as the car was facing the wrong way.When I came back out the car was gone. I didn't snap a pic or try to get a tag because I didn't want to start anything as I was defenseless. Obviously I've been carrying more and more, especially at home, and if I see that car again I'm going to get a plate number and I'm calling the cops.Does anyone have any advice on how I can approach discussing this with the girl that lives downstairs? Should I even bring it up at all? It's not really my business, but my home is supposed to be my safe space and I'm worried about it, especially since this guy has seen me and my car. Being the only guy around I I feel like I could be perceived as a threat.Hopefully this is nothing and I'm just being paranoid, but that's why I carry, for the "just in case" situations. via /r/CCW

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