Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Kel Tec PF9 thoughts

So I have a friend who wants to sell me his Kel Tec PF9. I have seen some mixed feelings on this handgun and I wanted to give my thoughts. I'm in search of a carry pistol. I use to carry an XD 40, but now that I'm getting a CCW in my new home state I want to move to something smaller. I've fired a variety of guns and it's down to a special few now. In my hand it felt great. No problems in this department as it felt comfortable. Overall the polymer lower did not feel cheap like some other handguns I've tested. The slide felt solid and did look a little worn. Overall I was satisfied until I tested the trigger. It felt a little light and long for my taste. It actually felt cheap. Almost as if I was playing with my old cap gun from when I was a kid. Loading the magazine was easy enough. I always lock the slide to the rear before loading. It's an old habit from the military. I've noticed others around me don't do the same unless going from one magazine to the next. I'm kinda self conscious about my loading habits so don't judge me! This is where I ran into problem number one. The slide lock was stuck. I had to pull the slide back slightly to depress the slide lock down. It was inconvenient and I was already at a no. ,Now that I was locked and loaded (sorry telling a gun story here so I had to put it in) I took aim at my target 7 meters away and fired my 7 rounds. I will admit that I did fire a satisfying 5in group center mass. I did take my time between shots so it's not that impressive and I've had a few years of practice. The light trigger pull was ver noticeable. The recoil was greater then any other gun in its class as well. I went through the 50 rounds I brought with me and I did not have any malfunctions. Now clean up was not to bad. The PF9 was easy to disassemble and easy to clean. The only surprise was the recoil spring popped out and I was not expecting that. Now putting it together was another story. I had trouble getting the slide back on, but a quick YouTube video later I had it back together. So long story short I was not impressed with the Kel Tec PF9. The light trigger, dinky magazine, and the hard to press slide lock was a giant turn off. This is my personal opinion and I want to see what others experience/opinions of this hand gun is. I feel that maybe my friend was just trying to unload his reject. via /r/CCW

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