Monday, October 31, 2016

I bought an LCP2, AMA

After many thoughts, YouTube videos, and excel spreadsheets I bought an LCP2 sort of on impulse. I went into my LGS looking for a Glock 10mm or 1911. I've been flirting with replacing my G43 for pocket carry as it is noticeable my pocket has something in it, but with getting this promotion I really don't want to risk anything. Our employee handbook does not mention weapons so it's sort of Don't Ask, Don't Tell.I walk in with cellphone in hand and excel pulled up to do pricing of how much it will cost me in terms of accessories like holsters and bullets for a total what a new gun will cost me. As I was eyeing up 1911s when the guy behind the counter hands a woman a small 380 saying it would be great. He says it's an improvement over the old version because it has a last round lock-back. My ears perked up and I interjected if that was an LCP2, you're goddamn right.$275 plus tax it is mine. They are the only LGS in my area that has any left. I have 2 mags, 200 FMJs, and 250 XTPs on the way. I'm going blasting next week, I will report back on how it shoots then.For less than $300 the quality is amazing. The trigger is very sweet (coming from a Glock). It disappears in my pocket; the G43 is conspicuous in the pocket if you look right at it but the LCP2 looks like a pack of gum or something. The back of the LCP2 grip is wider than the G43 but the slide is so much smaller at 0.75". The sights are just right and the slide release is easy to oper8.Next week when I get my ammo I'm going to clean the barrel, oil the rails, and put 400 rounds straight through it to see how reliable it is.For now AMA. via /r/CCW

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