Monday, November 7, 2016

Weekly reminder: metal detectors and security are pretty much useless

...if the staff working them is incompetent.Story time. This weekend I went to an opera concert with my SO. We arrived about 15 minutes before it started and saw some huge lines.Well, after chatting with the nice lady in line next to us, we learned the venue had recently installed metal detectors. Yay. I didn't want to walk back to the car to lock up my handgat because that'd cause me to miss the beginning of the show and we were already up near the front of the line.So, I slipped my magazine into one of the deep, dark zippered crevasses of my SO's purse. When we finally got to the front they had plastered the building with "no scary items, please" signs which, thankfully, don't carry any weight in my state. (Feels good to live in a Free StateTM.)Anyway, I walk though the metal detector and of course it goes off, even though my Glock is made out of plastic and scotch tape. I pointed at my belt but the lady said, no, that wouldn't be it. I then "happened" to remember I had my pocket knife in my back pocket, and the staff kindly (yet sternly, because it's a dangerous weapon!) told me I had to leave or toss it. So, I reached through the metal detector, and tossed it in the garbage. They then proceeded to wave the magic metal detector wand on the front side of my body and let on through. (Why they didn't make me walk back through is beyond me.)The cherry on top: pepper spray is a prohibited item, yet when they searched my SO's purse they somehow missed the bright pink can of pepper spray attached to her key chain. Go figure.Oh, the concert was good. We were by far the youngest couple in there, though. via /r/CCW

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