Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Pulled over and handcuffed last night

So I'll try and make this as short as possible, but this took about 10 minutes to sort itself out last night. So this may get a bit lengthy, TL:DR version at the bottom.:Long Version:Before I get too far into this, I have zero issues with how the MPD handled this. I felt like they were the very definition of professional throughout the whole process.Heading home late last night from North Minneapolis at about 11:30 P.M. after watching the latest F1 race that a friend had recorded on his DVR. We took Dowling back onto 94 to head home and about 3 miles down the road. My girlfriend (Driving) noticed some squad cars a mile or two back with flashing lights and sirens going off.So we started to move over figuring they were responding to something further down the road. Next thing we know the squad cars were sitting right behind our little car. My girlfriend thinking we were possibly getting pulled over for speeding shut the car off after she rolled down the windows.We hear a voice saying "Put your hands out the window, Put your hands out the window". Realizing this isn't about a speeding ticket we both put our hands out the windows and awaited further instructions. We heard the voice again "Driver throw your keys out the window". Rinse and repeat until my Girlfriend is walking backwards temporarily placed in cuffs and in the back of a squad car.This leaves me still sitting in the passenger seat of the car just waiting to find out what's next. About the time I lose sight of my girlfriend, a MPD Officer (lets just call him Officer 1) approaches.Officer 1: Hey man what's going on tonight?"A bit unsure what to say I replied.Me: Not a whole lot until now, what can I do for you?He asked me to step out of the vehicle I double check with him to make sure its alright to remove my seat belt before I get out hands still outstretched in the air.Once I'm out of the car I realize there is at least 4 or 5 squad cars and 7 or 8 officers surrounding our car. Still not sure whats going on. I looked at the officer who asked me to step out of the car.Officer 1: Do you have anything on you?Me: Pardon?Officer 1: Do you have a firearm on you, anything like that?Me: Yes sir I do (arms very much still in the air)Officer 1: I'm assuming you have a permit to carry.Me: Yes sir in its my wallet in my back left pocket along with my ID.Officer 1: Ok no problem, go ahead and turn around and put your hands on top of the vehicle for me.Realizing that I'm just along for the ride at this point, I felt my hands being put behind my back and the handcuffs clicking into place.Officer 1: So for right now I'm going to temporarily relieve you of your firearm until we get this sorted out. Where is it located?Me: It's at 12 O'clock on my waist band sir. Just unzip my jacket and pull up on the blue shirt.Officer 1: Where are you guys coming from?Me: We just came from my friends over on "X" ave just heading home now.Officer 1: Ok well we just got a shots fired call from street "Z" saying that a white hatchback had turned on to Dowling and then gotten onto 94. You guys meet the description and were the only white hatchback we saw.As dumb luck would have it we just happened to match that description and had just gotten onto 94 from Dowling. About this time I think I might be possibly be seeing the back of a squad car shortly, and that I'm really happy that I have insurance for this sort of thing. After securing my firearm he hands me off to Officer 2 to finish patting me down.Officer 2: do you have anything else in your pockets?Me: yes sir I've got a flashlight/multi-tool/pocket knife/spare magazine in my front right pants pocket and my house keys in my left pocket. I've also got some medication in my front lower left jacket pocket.Officer 2 gives me a brief pat down confirming what I've just told him. Fortunately for us at about the same time Officer 3 gets a new now more complete description of the suspect on the radio.Officer 3: Hey is your name "A" "B"?Me: My first name is "A" but my last name is "C"Officer 3: Officer 1/2 this isn't who we are looking for. He doesn't match the (newer) description. Do you have your ID on you? (looking at me)Me: Yes I do,it's in my wallet as well as my permit to carryOfficer 3: Ok let's get you uncuffed and then I will get your ID from you.Officer 1 comes back over and gets me out of the handcuffs. After double checking to make sure it's alright I fished my wallet out of my pocket. I give my ID to Officer 3 and even though she didn't ask I also get out my permit to carry and handed it to her as well. After being satisfied I'm not who they are looking for Officer 3 hands my ID and permit back.Officer 3: Did they explain to you what's going on?Me: Yes (reiterated why they pulled us over)Officer 3: Ok good just wanted to make sure you knew why we pulled you over. Sorry about that.Me: No worries, you guys are just doing your job.Officer 1/2 both come back over and pretty much say the same thing as Officer 3. All 3 of them then walk me back to the car.Officer 2: Did they (Officer 1) give your firearm back yet?Me: No sirOfficer 2: Ok let me go check with Officer 1I removed my AIWB holster and waited for Officer 1, who returned with my unloaded firearm with the slide locked back and asks that I not load it till after we leave. He handed me my magazine which went into my left jacket pocket. He then handed me my pistol, and after verifying the chamber was empty I released the slide lock and placed it is holster which went into my other jacket pocket.That's pretty much it, after that they all offered to shake hands with me and let us go on our way. A bit of an adventure for sure. Once again I don't have any issue with how the MPD handled any of what happened. Just figured I would share.TL:DR - Got pulled over by the MPD late last night responding to a shots fired call in North Minneapolis. Pulled over on 94 because our vehicle matched the description. Briefly detained, cuffed, searched and temporarily relieved of my firearm. About 10 minutes later back on the road no worse for the wear.:edit because paragraphs are important: via /r/CCW

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