Sunday, November 6, 2016

Need opinions: HK P30SK vs Sig P938

So I know, kind of an apples to oranges question. I carry a Sig P938 - I really like it, I'm just not super accurate with it. Never had any malfunctions with it. That said, saw a HK P30SK today at LGS and could swap them for an even trade. Now the HK felt great, higher cap, and I'm really looking for something I can conceal and also use as a fun range toy or home gun. I have a Jericho 941 that's far too heavy to carry and doesn't have a rail for a light for home defense. This HK would.So my question. Does anyone have experience with both? Or for those of you that carry the P30SK, is it readily concealable and have there many any reliability issues with it? Thanks guys!Edit: Should add - Id take both if budget allowed it. Unfortunately I need to find a dual purpose gun that's also still pretty concealable. via /r/CCW

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