Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Help me understand why AIWB is so popular

I'm new to CCWing (but not new to guns or gun safety at all). I have been doing A LOT of research on holsters. A typical IWB at 3 or 4 o'clock makes sense to me. Easy draw, easy while sitting/driving, minimal chance of dying or loosing vital body parts in case of a ND while holstering/unholstering. After researching, I will probably get an IWB by Stealthgear and wear it at 3:30/4 o'clock.And then there is AIWB. How do you sit down? It's pointing at your manparts and your [big artery in the leg] in case of ND.I will give AIWB one thing-it might be faster on the draw by about .5 seconds. However, I think if .5 seconds means that much, your situational awareness is very poor and you have let a threat get too close to you.Maybe AIWB works with some body types. I have a taller than average mild-athletic build (think cyclist). Not overweight, not underweight. Not bulked up. To me, IWB seems like it would work best with my body type. Also, about the only time I would be required to remove my weapon is my weekly visit to the post office. Other than that, my weapon will be on me (It seems like AIWB is more easy to remove/replace than IWB).Please explain the apparent sudden surge in popularity of AIWB. I'm not saying it is wrong, but maybe I am missing something. via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2gfhJn9

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