Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Generally, are hammer fired guns inherently more dangerous than striker fire guns?

So I've been looking to get a pocket 380 pistol for a while now and I'm looking into the Ruger LCP II and the Sig P238. Here are the pros and cons of each IMO:LCP II: (pros) * Really small and concealable * Striker Fire (no snagging on clothes, only going to fire when trigger is pulled) (cons) * Is a bitch to shoot. Doesn't feel good to shoot. * Inaccurate. You'll need plenty of practice with this gun until you can hit consistently * Doesn't feel all that good in the hand given how small it is * Sometimes run into slide and feeding problemsP238 (pros) * Feels good in the hand * Feels good to shoot * I can consistently land shots with it (accurate) * What a sexy fucking gun (dat mini 1911) * That slide cock is butter smooth * Nice trigger pull * Actual sights! Night sights at that! (cons) * Hammer fire * Single action only * Not quite as concealable as the LCPSo as you can see the pros of the P238 outweigh those of the LCP II; however, the thing that just bugs me is the fact that the P238 isn't just hammer fired, but also that it's only single action. Since I'm going to buy a small 380 for conceal carry and I also appendix carry, this just gets me paranoid AF to carry a hollow pointed 380 gun with a hammer cocked back in single action pointing directly at my inner thigh/man parts. Even with the external safety and a good holster, it just scares the piss out of me to carry the p238 since I'm so scared of a misfire at myself.Do any of you have experience with the p238? How's the reliability and are my concerns unfounded? Will the gun fire by itself if you drop it hard enough or enough times? In fact, will the gun misfire AT ALL in a scenario where I'm carrying it in a good holster? I guess that's what scares me the most since carrying a single action pistol at the appendix with a fairly light trigger pull is pretty daunting. via /r/CCW

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