Wednesday, November 23, 2016

De-escalation. It's not just for you!

So last Monday afternoon the wife and I decide to load the kids up and go sledding at the local park. Suburban area, nice neighborhood. It's the middle of the afternoon, still very much broad daylight. Wife's driving, she chooses to park in a spot nearest the sledding hill, there's a car two spaces to our left.As she's about to get out, she says "OMG PLAYER_1_PRESS_START, are you seeing this?" I look over to see some dude's ass just drilling away at his girlfriend (Maybe? Never actually saw her) like a frat boy."Back away, let's go," says I. Wife decides it's a better idea to just lay on the horn and gesture at them. I finally convinced her to leave, but she decided to park on a side street and walked back to call the police and report the plate number.As she's doing that, the guy gets out to get back in the front seat and drive away - the whole time I'm worried he's gonna pull a weapon or try to run my wife down. I was carrying that day but at that point I was worried about having to choose between wife and kids, as we'd parked in a place where he'd drive by.Thankfully, he just got in the car and left. Police got full plate number and took it from there. Didn't need to draw at all. The guy was probably harmless, but if you're willing to shag in a public park in broad daylight, you may have no qualms about turning violent. Afterward I had a chat with Mrs. PLAYER_1_PRESS_START about remembering that even though I carry, I still never want to be forced into a place where I have to draw or fire.TL;DR - talk to your significant other about de-escalating potentially dangerous situations so that you can be on the same page. Two cooler heads are better than one. via /r/CCW

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