Sunday, November 20, 2016

CCW Fitness / Workouts / Health

Let's talk this out guys! What do you do? How do you do it?There's a lot of different options, but I think the most effective for CCW is some type of martial arts.BJJ/Muay Thai/Wrestling is a great combo. It builds strength and gives you a pretty damn well rounded balance of strength and cardio.When I started BJJ, the blue belts and higher could not believe my cardio. While they easily tapped me when I made a mistake, they never were able to just pounce on me for being gassed. My grip strength also pissed them off very badly. I also came in with better cardio and strength than some of the (10yrs older) blue belts. Even on my first few days, I was a handful for them as a lonely white belt.Further, martial arts are directly applicable to fighting with or without a pistol or OVER a pistol. ;)Often really big guys that just lift gas out on the mat and often the skinny guys don't have the strength to make me do anything. Be well rounded!You will feel far more comfortable fighting over a pistol in real life if you've taken BJJ or smashing someone in the face if you've taken some form of boxing. You'll probably think, "i've got this".If I'm alone, a day will often look like this:bicycle ride to gym, dips, pullups, chinups, goblet squats, kettlebell swings, turkish getups, pushups, back extensions and then right into a 2 mile run without rest. bicycle ride home. if at home it's pretty similar, but usually with jump rope instead of the 2mi run and dry fire pistol at the end.Some things I STRONGLY believe:Performing a workout you didn't plan on is far better than the workout you wanted to do but you couldn't. If it rains, or your buddy doesn't show up or whatever, DO SOMETHING. Pushups, Squats and a 2mile run isn't bad.You get fit in the gym, you loose weight in the kitchen. Unless you are trying to specifically cut to see your abs, working out at all will just be icing on the cake. You don't need to work out at all to loose weight.Going on a silly fad diet to loose 50lb is stupid. Change the way you eat forever.The slower you loose weight, the easier it is to keep off. I don't like to see people loosing past 1lb a week unless they are really obese. Your body will bitchslap you eventually if you're eating some stupid 500cal a day BS plan.there are no free rides or lunches in fitness or weight loss. If you got fat and/or have bad cardio you likely got lazy or have always been lazy. Doing toe touches will never prepare you for a deadlift or 5k. You have to do hard stuff before you do harder stuff. There's no elevator to the top. You can inherit a nice 401k, but you can't inherit 1st place in a marathon.find something you like to do. paintball? kayaking? punching people in the face? whatever it is, keep searching. via /r/CCW

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