Sunday, November 6, 2016

Anyone know which OH county has shortest wait time?

For about a year now, I've had a VA non-resident permit while living in OH. When I initially obtained a permit, I was a student in OH, but not an official OH resident (no OH driver's license) so not easily eligible for an OH permit.I am now a bona fide resident of the state. My VA permit is still valid, however since our's is now a NICS exemption I'd like to pick one up (plus it will fill in another couple states on my reciprocity map).As anyone who is capable of answering this question knows, we can apply with the sheriff of our county or any adjacent county.I'm hoping some folks in my area might be able to help me out with the approximate wait times for the various counties I can apply with.I can apply with the sheriffs of: Butler, Hamilton, Montgomery, Preble or Warren.Hopefully at least one of those prints it up while you wait. If anyone has recently obtained a permit in any of those counties, I'd appreciate hearing how long you waited. Thanks. via /r/CCW

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