Sunday, November 6, 2016

Alcohol and Guns Don't Mix

Sorry this is a little long. TL:DR version at bottom.Last night we had a gathering at the house to watch football. I used to not carry around the house but lately I have been because I've got a good OWB holster that really makes it where you can't tell I'm carrying and it's super comfortable. So I figured "why not?" I was carrying before the game, when we all started drinking (carrying all day really) and I never disarmed. I haven't drank to the point of no return in a long time. It happened last night though (damn Alabama vs LSU will do it every time), I'm hungover as hell while I write this actually. But the crazy thing that happened CCW related was that I was out side by the fire pit on the patio and somehow my shirt got wet so I took it off to kinda hold it over the fire and dry it. Well, my anti gun sister in law saw I was carrying and flipped out. Saying this is why we need gun laws and what the hell is he doing just carrying around the house anyway? Etc etc. Pretty much my friends and family that were there (wife carrys and brother in law also and they took her side) made me feel like a freaking idiot and wanted me to put it away. I was so pissed because I thought it was crazy that I had it on the whole time and no one knew, but now all the sudden it's a big deal. I had every intention of putting it away at the end of the night but the gun safe is in our upstairs bedroom. To be honest I didn't want to be handling it in the condition I was in so I figured it's safest right where it is until bed. BUT.... That's not good enough! So, much to my dismay I unholstered, took the magazine out, racked my round out of the chamber with the slide opened I gave it to my wife with the magazine to put upstairs. I certainly didn't want to hand it to her loaded as she also had been drinking although not nearly as much as me. Anyway, I guess the moral of this story is if you're gonna have more than a social drink or two plan ahead, disarm beforehand. And if you're hanging around crazy ass family that is anti-gun also plan ahead. This event made me feel terrible and I'm sure doesn't help the CCW image to my sister in law.TL:DR Alcohol and guns don't mix. If you're gonna have more than just a drink or two plan ahead and disarm beforehand. via /r/CCW

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