Tuesday, October 25, 2016

[UPDATE] I accidentally put my edc through the tsa checkpoint

Original post here1.) Hired a crim defense attorney referred to me by CCW Safe. She was very nice and understanding.2.) On my behalf, she pled not guilty at initial arraignment. I did not have to be present.3.) Once the case was handed over to the DA's office (a few weeks) she was able to negotiate a plea:-Plead nolo contendre / no contest to the citation-Stay adjudication (this means that the guilty plea is not entered)-Stay out of trouble for 30 days and the charges will be dismissed-Pay 503 dollar fine or do 50 hours of community service-Forfeit gunThe DA asked me to plead guilty but agreed to no contest. I didn't want to have to ever admit I plead guilty (even though it would never be recorded and charges will eventually be dismissed) in case of a background check or the like.My attorney also wanted to fight for the gun but I told her if there was any sense that this might disrupt the negotiations then not to worry about it so we did not (it was a Ruger LCP so not worth bothering over $230).3.) It appears as if I lost TSA pre-check. It stopped appearing on my boarding passes. It's not that big of a deal to me given the circumstances so I'm just going to let sleeping dogs lie. I have not reached out to them and probably won't until everything gets settled. No official notification from them.4.) Currently waiting out my 30 days.All in all, I'm happy as one can be with the results and have definitely learned my lesson.Again, would appreciate folks refraining from lecturing me about my mistakes. I readily admit them and am posting here in hopes that this is a learning opportunities for others. via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2ekwySU

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