Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Not Everyone Needs to Carry a Firearm

I've wanted to post this for a while, and I've finally gotten enough free time to put my thoughts together. I want to preface this by saying, I'm as pro-gun as anyone I know, but I do believe some people don't have the proper disposition to carry a firearm. I've used a throwaway since I think what I'm going to type is going to paint me as a huge asshole (which, unfortunately, is probably not too far from the truth). There is a lot of pro-carry attitude in this sub (which is good for most people I believe), but I want this post to be a reality check for people trying to decide if they should carry. Before we began, let me say, I am not a person who should carry.I have a CCW. I've had it for a couple years now, but I very rarely carry a firearm. The only time I carry is when I run with my dog (I carry a Ruger LCP in a belly holster), and then, I only use it for animal control since I live in a rural county where people leave their aggressive dogs unleashed.To put it simply some people don't have the disposition to carry. I am one of those people. I am an aggressive person. I don't mean in the asshole sense of the word. I've never initiated physical contact, but I have sure as hell escalated situations that didn't need to be escalated. For example, if someone parks their car like an asshole (or is driving like a fucking idiot), I'm going to tell them about it. I start out very politely informing them that their inconveniencing others (or putting them in danger) and if they want to take it to the physical level, I welcome it. That is where I'm at home.If this sounds like you, DO NOT CARRY A WEAPON! I'm not scared that I'll use my weapon out of anger, but if your adversary sees that you have a weapon, this takes the fight to a life or death level which makes it extremely dangerous.I'm sure this is common sense for most people here, but if my attitude sounds like your attitude, I seriously believe you shouldn't have a weapon because you will either end up in jail (because you pursue someone when you shouldn't) or you will end up dead (if the adversary somehow comes into possession of your weapon).If you are on the fence about whether you should carry, I encourage you to examine your personality. If you are an aggressive person, I strongly encourage you not to carry. But, if you are cool and level headed, I encourage you to carry since I'll need your protection when shit goes down. via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2dQGkLx

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