Friday, July 20, 2018

Investigating things that go bump in the night.

Just some things I was thinking about last night when I was brushing my teeth.At what point do you personally investigate the things that go bump in the night? Is that broken glass I heard just Tetris mountain (dish drying rack) collapsing or is it a burglar? Is the thudding I heard at 3am just the cat being an enthusiastic asshole or is it an intruder? Are those footsteps downstairs just the teenager breaking curfew or did someone break in?At my old apartment in the ghetto when I lived in Georgia, my roommate and I played a fun game called “cat or home invasion” where we had to investigate every single bump in the night because it could legitimately have been either one. Where I live now is safer and I don’t feel as on edge anymore. I’m comfortable with leaving the balcony door open for the cats to come and go as they please. I don’t feel the need to investigate every single time my cat knocks something over at three am. I mean, I did investigate when that little shit pulled the spice rack off the wall and sent all my spices and baking supplies flying in every direction, but I don’t bother with little things any more. In my old apartment I pulled the shotgun out on the cat being a dick more times than I can remember, and I’ve only done that twice here.Last night I was brushing my teeth and my cat was up to no good and it dawned on me that Ive relaxed so much on my threshold for investigating the noises. What about you guys? Do you investigate every noise or do you just check out the big ones? Like, if I had kids I’d be terrified of accidentally pulling a weapon on 7yr old Timmy sneaking a juice box from the fridge after bedtime because I thought I heard something. Or almost shooting 15yr old Josh who is just sneaking out of the window to go be delinquent somewhere at midnight.Thoughts? I’m interested in your perspectives as parents and pet owners. via /r/CCW

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