Thursday, July 26, 2018

Made, or played, at the USA/CA border?

TLDR; CA border agent asked me (driver) first thing at a border crossing from USA to Canada about my firearms and TX LTC. Was I made, or played?A few months ago, I treated my parents to an anniversary weekend in Montreal. I met my parent in NY and drove them up to the USA/CA border in their car (NY plates), and after greeting the CA Border Patrol agent, and handing over our passports, I was first asked directly "Do you have your firearm on you?". I replied that I didn't as it was at home in the safe. Then he asked if I had my LTC license on me, which I didn't as I had no need for it at that time. He then proceeded with the usual questions... purpose of visit, length of stay, etc.I was driving my parents car (they're both NY resident, neither has ever had LTC/firearms). I've never owned, or been registered/linked to my parents car or plates either.I do have a valid TX LTC, and this was news to my parents—lol.So, my first question is, was I made, or played, or profiled? Is there a legitimate way for the CA Border Patrol to divine that info by just showing up? RFID?I know there's no official US registry of firearms, but does that extend to licenses issued at a the state-level?As a recent LTC holder, can I expect this to occur in the future when traveling to other countries?TIA via /r/CCW

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