Friday, July 27, 2018

Employer just added "No weapons" policy. How does it apply, and what should I do? (Utah)

Been at my current company for 3 years now. I absolutely love it and have no desire to leave. Carried almost every day of those three years. Now, the company is getting bigger, and releasing a "company handbook" that has to be signed with a bunch of new policies, one of which says, "employees and visitors are not permitted to bring lethal weapons into the building." First off, doing a look into utah Policy, the site says, "What about private business, can they post signs prohibiting someone from carrying a gun into their business even though the person may have a firearm permit? Naturally, private property owners may apply what ever restrictions they want, whether or not these restrictions violates ones personal rights is for the civil courts to decide. But the only statutory restriction on a permit holder is secured areas such as airports and federal buildings."I have some clout at the company, and am going to try to get the policy modified or removed. But, assuming I cant, what does that mean for me? I understand I could be "fired" for carrying, but would it be illegal? Whats the worst that happens to me if nothing changes, and I carry anyways? Sounds like the Utah policy is a little up for grabs, saying "up to the courts". Not really sure what that means.Second any advice as to strategies/things to help me convince getting the policy removed/modified?(P.s. I understand nothing said is official legal advice) via /r/CCW

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