Monday, July 30, 2018

Watch regular people react to self defense scenarios

I have mixed feelings about these shows, but First Person Defender should at least get some of your weekly YouTube time if you are going to be a CCW'er.They take rando's like us and put them in scenarios where they're CCing and have to stop a threat. You see their response to tunnel vision, failed draws, poor marksmanship, not aware of the backstop, etc. It's ugly. Then they give them a little training (and some "clever product placement") and put them through a similar scenario to see how they respond. They usually do a little bit better, and now you have a realistic understanding of what your response would be, and how you need to train.I've learned some handy techniques, like how to make contact shots with a semi-auto (place your thumb behind the slide, or hold it with your weak hand), how to maneuver an AR on my weak side when shooting down a hallway, how to draw from a wheelchair, etc.I think the best part of these shows is that they get you thinking about scenarios that you wouldn't normally consider.The defenders all use simunitions, so they're actually firing a real gun and taking rounds that don't feel so great. Most people's stress response seems to be triggered, so you see the fumbling, and ugliness that you would expect with that much adrenaline.Anyway, the commercial aspect gets a little annoying, but it doesn't seem to take away from the validity of the training or scenarios. But hey, they can product place all they want as long as they keep putting them up on YT for free. Now to get The Best Defense to do the same! via /r/CCW

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